Chapter Fifty-One: Conent

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Ahsoka sat in silence, giving Bail and Mon time to process the plan to take Hutt Space, much of the Outer Rim, and even Naboo. It was a lot to take in and a lot more ambitious than a supply run or going from planet to planet secretly training soldiers and teaching them Guerilla warfare. It was even more ambitious than sending out agents to hunt down Jedi, inquisitors, and dark side adepts. Those things were dangerous but could all be chalked up to a single actor or a small group of people. This was completely exposing the Rebellion. There would be no turning back.

Finally, Mon said, "Are we sure this is the stance we want to take? Is this worth exposing ourselves and giving up any traction we might make elsewhere?"

"If by that you mean abandoning any hope that this conflict can end peacefully, there wasn't hope for that to begin with," Ahsoka said. "The Clone War was proof enough that Palpatine refuses to be reasoned with, especially not in any way that means conceding his power."

Mon sighed. "We trust you, Ahsoka. You've gotten us this far undetected, but I just can't help wondering the precedent we would be setting by doing this. Attacking a sovereignty who's committed no offense to the Republic."

"Officially, maybe," Bail muttered.

"You understand what I'm saying," Mon said firmly. "I agree that something needs to be done about slavery and the Hutts. But what I'm asking is if we want our first foray into the public eye to be such a gross violation of sovereignty against someone who hasn't openly offended us, not like the Empire has."

"If sovereignty were our primary concern, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Our purpose is to help people first. Sometimes doing that means breaking the law or violating sovereignty when both are wrong. I want people to know that we're a better alternative to the Empire or even the Republic because we put them and their needs first. If it means violating a few customary galactic laws, you won't find me apologizing for it or worrying about it. Maybe it's time to make new customs. Set a new precedent," Ahsoka said with a shrug.

Bail narrowed his eyes. "You've already made up your mind to do this. Haven't you?"

"Yes," Ahsoka admitted. "Don't get me wrong. I value your insights. But there's only so much insight you all can give me from the Senate that will help me out here on the front lines where the rules are different because the Empire has no pretense of them. I know it's dangerous. But if we wait any longer, the Empire will just become more powerful, our losses will be greater, and the next generation will definitely inherit this fight."

"Is that what the Force tells you?" Mon asked.

"It's not telling me I'm wrong," Ahsoka replied vaguely.

The Force was actually unsettlingly quiet. This had only happened a few times. Once when she had to choose between leaving the Order or staying after the Temple bombing and another right before Anakin turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader. The last time had been when Ahsoka proposed a truce with Vader to defeat his master. Ahsoka had learned during those moments that the best thing to do in those situations was what felt right.

"What do you need us to do?" Mon asked.

"I need you to get your affairs in order. When I make this move, we'll have the Emperor's undivided attention. There's a list of senators under suspicion for having Rebellion ties from their intelligence department, and it's startlingly accurate. I'll send you the list so you can quietly make contact with them. Tell them to prepare themselves and their staff's not to go back to Imperial Center. For the ones who will be on Naboo during the Empire Day celebrations, tell them to be ready to leave Naboo in a hurry," Ahsoka warned. "By the end of this operation, I'm hoping to have Naboo from under Imperial control. But I'm still coordinating evacs with my agents for you just to prepare for the worst."

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