Chapter Thirty-Four: Reminisce

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Vader tuned out Tarkin's briefing for how they were going to weed out the suspected bombers on Eriadu. He knew the plan. He mostly agreed with it except for a few oversights that someone unfamiliar with executing guerilla war tactics would overlook. But Vader wasn't going to argue about them. These oversights would give Ahsoka the perfect covers to get to her people and investigate for herself precisely what happened. If anyone was suspicious as to his lack of insight, the obvious excuse was that this was Tarkin's home planet, his personal vendetta, and the emperor had given the man jurisdiction over this matter, only sending Vader to make sure a rogue Force-sensitive was not involved.

He sensed the moment Ahsoka dropped out of hyperspace but continued to pretend to listen to Tarkin's supposedly inspirational tirade about stopping terrorists. Vader barely resisted the urge to groan. This was worse than the stang he'd had to sit through in the Senate during the Clone Wars. And at least back then, they'd had some righteous bearing to stand on. Though Vader couldn't say he agreed the civilian casualties were worth it, he also couldn't say he felt any significant dismay at the casualties suffered by Tarkin's family.

The man's family earned their fortune supposedly conquering the wilderness that was Eriadu a millennia ago. In actuality, his ancestors and a group of colonizers settled on the planet, wiped out the native sentients, and built their fortune on the backs of slave labor that they were forced to rebrand once they joined the Republic. It was little wonder Tarkin and his family had been so quick to support Palpatine's rise and his policies. It was even less a wonder that Tarkin had been so ready and willing to brand as a traitor a non-human girl who had done nothing but serve the Republic.

Vader pushed the thoughts aside. More and more lately, he was having trouble not dwelling on things that would take him down a path that caused him to lose his restraint. There would be time for revenge later. Right now, he could respect that he and Tarkin temporarily had the same goal and respect the man's military competence.

Once Tarkin was finished, Vader informed the man he'd arrive in Eriadu's orbit within half a rotation, disconnected the holo, and made his way to a hanger that he'd ordered cleared out hours ago. He then watched as Ahsoka's ship landed, and in short order, as she disembarked from her ship.

"You're late," Vader pointed out.

"I know," Ahsoka said with a sigh as she fell into step next to him. "But Luke and Leia held me up. They guilt-tripped me so hard because I'm going to miss their birthday. And I expect that from Leia, but even Luke—you know how sweet and forgiving he is—wouldn't let up." Ahsoka huffed. "Manipulative brats. They made it clear I owe them big time. And the only way to repay it is to take them to that popular planet-wide amusement park in the Mid-Rim. Do you know how long the waiting list to that place is?"

"Join the club," Vader muttered. He'd only ever been present for the twins' second birthday.

"They're a lot more understanding with you, though. You're never with them on their birthday, to begin with. I miss one, and they decide to make me feel like the worst mother in the galaxy," Ahsoka bemoaned.

Vader took a few breathing cycles to talk himself out of the defensive comment to Ahsoka's tactless statement. This was a battle he did not have to pick with her. Especially since she had not meant it to be cruel, only to state an accepted truth. Besides, it wasn't her he was angry at. It was himself. Either he kept them safe or spent time with them. Vader would prioritize the twins' safety every time, and in his presence, the twins were in the most danger. If anything, he was jealous that Ahsoka didn't have to make that choice. And it often made her a convenient target for him to take his anger out on.

Ahsoka suddenly paused in step next to him before turning to look at Vader.

"I wasn't trying to be mean by pointing that out, by the way. I was just making a point."

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