Chapter Seventy-Eight: Poignant

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Vader had considered dozens of scenarios that might have helped him avoid a direct confrontation with the Imperial Center forces on his way to Palpatine. But all those ways, both subtle and overt, gave power to Palpatine. In particular, Vader just considered surrendering to the Imperial Center Forces and allowing them to take him directly to Palpatine. But surrendering to the Imperial Center Forces meant surrendering to the Imperial Royal Guard, who were trained and prepared to deal with powerful Force users like Vader. And though Vader had some evidence that typical Force user restraints didn't restrain him the way they were intended, it was not a hypothesis he wanted to test dealing with Palpatine.

So even though he had no advantage, even though he might end up overwhelmed and out of his depth when Palpatine's reinforcements came, Vader went with a direct confrontation that made his intentions clear. Besides, he only needed to get past all the Forces and get to Palpatine. If he could get to Palpatine, if he could kill him, this would all be over, and it wouldn't matter what reinforcements came. Most of the powers left would bow to him, and the remaining would be easily subdued.

They engaged with the Imperial Center Fleet only minutes after they dropped out of hyperspace. In the midst of that, Vader managed to lead troops past the massive vessels and to the ground to lay siege to the Palace, only to run into a transparent domed shield that covered the perimeter of the Palace grounds with Imperial center troopers lining it.

"Seems like they're trying to win by attrition," Commander Dare observed.

"So it seems," Vader agreed.

Without a lot of planning beforehand, there was no telling how long he would be able to sustain a siege of the Palace, especially when Imperial reinforcements arrived for the Emperor. Vader had sent out a hailing to his own allies, but they would get here long after their opponents did. Thus, they had a short time window for getting into the Palace.

Aware of an expected presence on the edge of his senses, Vader turned to see a group of clones escorting Ahsoka directly to him.

When she was standing before him, Vader said resignedly, "I was made aware that your ship was seen running the blockade a couple of hours ago. What took you so long?"

Ahsoka shrugged. "You know. Haven't been here in over a decade. Got lost. Had to ask for directions."

Vader pretended not to notice the coughs and snickers of a few of the men around them. Instead, he gave Ahsoka a once over, both physically and in the Force. Something was... off wasn't the right word, but something was definitely different.

"What?" Ahsoka asked.

"You're... different," Vader settled on.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and waved a dismissive hand. "You just haven't seen me in eight months."

It was an obvious deflection. One that Vader had learned over the years of political intrigue in Palpatine's court and military not to fall for. Just because he hadn't seen her in eight months didn't mean that she wasn't different, regardless of whether or not he could put his finger on why.

Before he could point that out, she asked, "So how are we getting our forces past this shield?"

Some instinct that wasn't necessarily the Force told him to press her deflection. That this was related to whatever she'd promised to tell him about the next time they saw each other. But now wasn't the time. She was right. They needed to get through this shield.

"We're not sure yet."

"How many levels does it go down? It has to end somewhere."

"Too far. And it's way too obvious."

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