Fun Times

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After getting there you all go shopping in many stores eventually you stop to get food. You guys go to taco bell and sit at a table. You shop for a little longer than go to kat's house and have a mini fashion show. You all meet back at your house. After hanging out as a whole group and watching movies. everyone ends up falling asleep in the living room. After you and tara woke up do disided to tell the others about your relationship sence it's been a few days. When everyone was awake you told them you had somthing to tell something. They all agreed and you both went un front of everyone and told them you guys where dating. They all where happy for you and tara. You all filmed a video. Then you had a party with lots of people maybe a little to many it was really fun there where lots of drunk people running around you and tara didn't drink because you are only 19 years old but almost everyone else was 21 or older. When everyone left you and tara are the only one wake so you disided to clean up so the house wasn't a huge mess in the morning.

(I think this might be the last chapter of this book but I will make one about when there about 20 or somthing like that and make it more about their relationship and it going to be a different writing style but I hope you will like it. I also changed the name to make it fit more with the next book if you where confused❤)

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