Day Alone

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After you left denvyn's you went to bede because it was 11:00 PM. You wake up at 9:00 AM. You just layed in bed on Instagram for an hour.
( time for feelings)
You think and you really like tara as more that a friend but you dont know if she feels the same way you also though that colby was kind of cute. Jake sam Aaron and Corey where like your brothers so you though of them like they where........annoying shit bags. But you couldn't get tara off your mind she was really beautiful and you really liked her. The boys dont know your bi yet but you think you should tell them soon and hope of the best.
You fall back asleep and wake up to get food but no one was home. The boys must be filming a video or somthing. You get your food and head back to your room by the time you get there its 12:00. You sat in you bed and watched youtube for a bit. You told the boy's to be in the living room at 2:00 tomorrow. The boys came home at 1:00. Every one just went to there rooms. you wanted to get Taco Bell so you grabbed your keys got in your car and headed to taco bell. You got taco bell for the other too. You texted your other friends to meet you at 2:00 tomorrow. Then you fell asleep again.
You woke up at 4:00. Then you just lisened to music. Then heard a knock at your door you open it and its colby. You let him in and he tells you that he likes you. Then you though you could make tara jealous by dating colby. So you started dating but you didnt tell the other roommates.

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