she said yes

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Everyone leave or go's to their room. You and tara have set up the movies you want to watch. after about 1 hour or so you look at tara and ask if she wants to be your girlfriend. She said yes and you but hugged than went back to watching your movies you guys end up falling asleep cuddling you wake up the next morning to a bang coming from down stairs. You run down the stairs thing something really bad happed but Sam just push jake off the couch you looked at the time and it was 1:00 in the afternoon you go up stairs to see if tara was awake but she was still sleeping so you woke her up and told her was time it was she freaked out because you guys have to meet xepher, kat and cassie at the mall in 30 minutes you speed get ready in 10 minutes then went to Tara's house so she could get ready that took like 15 minutes so you had tut o get there in 5 minutes but the mall was 20 minutes away so you got there in 15 minutes they asked you what took so long and you just said to much sleep

( I'm so sorry for not posting I kind of forgot that I had a story so I hope you like this one)

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