the video

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you all meet in your room so you could film a video you do your intro "yo what's up I am with the roommates and we are going to the streets of phoenix A.Z and seeing if people dances for 2 dollars" you go up the first person and see if they do but they said no. corey got the next person to do it by showing them him dancing. I said " that's cheating" but he said that "it's not" but you just rolled your eyes and movied on and did that for like 15 minutes and said "thats enogh bothering people" and went back to the hotel room. you sam and colby walked to the movies and ran into some fan and toke some pictures with then and you made to the movies and two hours later the movie ended it was 11:00 so you get some food and head back to the hotel. you guys eat then just hang out for a couple of hours. you and colby just go on a walk but sam was sleeping and you did not want to wake him up. you just walk around taking pictues with fans and seeing whats around. you start to walk back when sam come around the corner and says " i have been looking for you for so long where have you been" you and colby say at the same time " we where out meeting fans and looking around" then sam said why did'nt you invite me" you said "because we did not want to wake you up" you guys just go back to the roomand go to bed because you have the tour tomarrow .

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