Untitled Part 1

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                Strolling along the side of a dirt road, leading to a small town in Saudi Arabia, miles southeast from his home on Mount Olympus, Zeus assumed his 30-year-old human form. His arms were raised parallel to the ground, his palms facing straight ahead and opened wide, guiding the dark clouds of the sky along with him. He looked up at the sky and his stainless white toga glowed in the reflection of the slowly fading sunlight. Zeus inhaled to breathe a bearded laugh. This was the best night to just sit outside and enjoy his powers of lightning and thunder; he couldn’t help but be held in awe of the calming part of a storm before Hera came back to accuse him of impregnating more mortals. His innocent children were worth more to him than anything and Hera dared try to kill the ones that didn’t belong to her.

                Zeus was walking toward his destination, in the midst of a cave-full hilltop, when rain began to pour and thunder-less lightning struck. He turned around in confusion, wondering why this always seems to happen. Grown up in Olympus until he turned twenty-one, Zeus had time to master his powers. He poisoned his own father and his mother appointed him father of the sky and now he has to deal with these kinds of occurrences.

                “Assalamualaikum, brother, I presume you are trying to outrun the storms.”

                Zeus didn’t realize he had company in the summit of the hill and dropped his arms, which had no effect on the rain.

                Outrun the storms, Zeus repeated in his head, how offensive.

                The one who spoke was of a younger age and sat alone near the entrance of a cave. His face was pointed upwards, eyes closed, unaffected by the small, wet pellets piercing his skin and beard. If this being was one of Olympus, Zeus would have surely recognized him. He spoke in a different accent, one Zeus has never heard before.

                “I, Zeus, son of Kronos, who is the son of Uranus, who is the son of Mother Earth, who is birthed by Chaos, am not outrunning the storms.” Zeus proudly stated, receiving no reaction from the one facing the heavens.

                “You have an astounding name, Zeus.” He was silent for a second, “but if you aren’t running from the rain, what brings you outside?”

                Zeus concluded that this being was in fact a human; he did not realize that Zeus was much more than that.

                “Oh, bless you, mortal. For I am Zeus, God of the Sky, brother of Poseidon, God of the Sea, and brother of Hades, God of the Underworld, I come here to bring the winds and rain. Can’t you see? For you are no more complex than a human being, I am a God.”

                “You are not my God, Zeus. And you have not brought on the winds and storms. I have climbed this very hill time and time again, and this is the first time I have seen you walk with a storm, where all others I can recall came with no other person stating they created it.” The man calmly declared, still holding his eyes closed and face tilted towards the sky.

                “If I, Zeus, son of Kronos, am not the God of the Sky, then why have the heavy cumulonimbus clouds trailed me all this way from Mount Olympus?”

                “Zeus, meteorologists of my country have concluded that clouds move southeast with the wind. If I’m geographically correct, Mount Olympus is northwest of this land. You’ve just been moving in the direction of the winds.” The man stated, “Therefore, whatever delusional notions you seem to have in your mind are incorrect. You are not my, nor anyone’s God.”

                So that’s why I’ve been having problems with my powers, Zeus thought to himself. He sat down beside this intelligent man, curious as to what other things he might know.

                “So, mortal- I mean, sir- if you don’t consider me a God, who is?”

                “Allah is God.”

                “What is he the God of?” Zeus asked.

                “Brother, He is the God of everything, He created us all and everything we see and cannot see. Everything we know and do, He knows. Everything we don’t know, He knows. He is one God; there is no other God besides Him.”

                “So He controls the winds I thought I did?”

                “Yes, Zeus, He creates and controls the winds, the lightning, the thunder, the seas, the Heavens and Hell, and both you and me.”

                “But why are female mortals always so attracted to me? If I’m not a God, what other reason could there be?”

                “That’s because you are a beautiful man, Zeus. You have a kind heart, relentless confidence, and an open mind. Not because you are a beautiful God, brother, but because you are a beautiful human being.” The man smiled, “He created your beauty, and the beauty of everything around you. You should praise Him and thank Him for it all. Give Him the credit He deserves. He loves His creation, and He loves you enough to give you all of this and more when you reach your afterlife. You can reach Heaven if you love Him back.”

                “But I haven’t loved Him all my life. Would He accept my love and praise if I’ve denied Him all my existence?”

                “Zeus, my friend, God is the All-Knowing. If your intentions are pure, if you repent, if you acknowledge Him whole-heartedly, why wouldn’t He? Would you deny your own creation, your own children?”

                “No, I would not.” Zeus thought for a moment, “What is your name, scholar?”

                “My name is Muhammad, my friend.”

                “Muhammad, what else is there to know about Allah?”

                From that day on, a man by the name of Zeus was never seen again. The Greeks stopped believing in Greek Mythology after noticing his disappearance. Zeus now went by the name of Abu Bakr, which meant companion of the Prophet Muhammad. His daughter, Athena- now known as Aisha in the history of Islam- was the second and most beloved wife of Muhammad. The rest of Zeus’ family disowned them and went on with their lives, now having nothing to look forward to in the future because the Grecians stopped sacrificing for them. The stories of Prophet Muhammad go on to this day, and Abu Bakr, the first to accept this religion and learn about all the other prophets of Islam like Jesus, Abraham, Moses, and Adam, became a caliph, or Islamic ruler, after the passing of his son-in-law. They believed in Allah, they worshipped Allah, and they loved him until the end.

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