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MacDaddy For all those asking

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MacDaddy For all those asking. Yes Peeps hair is still long enough to do pig tails again and yes he still does pig tails and FINALLY I think he looks hella sexy with them 👀🥵

Meet you upstairs in 5 🥵🥵

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I'm waiting 🥵🥵

"Hey Mila. We are gonna go see your new brother today" Mac packs up Mila's thing while she plays on the floor with Keeke, Gus has been recording downstairs with good friends of theirs Good Charlotte. They are actually going out to dinner with them tonight before Mac and Gus have to go on to baby watch. Because she is due in a month. Mac puts Mila in her car seat places her by the door then carries Keeke downstairs to play with his daddy. "Hey baby" she kisses him, handing off Keeke "hey boys" she hugs Joel and Benji "baby I gotta go drop off Mila at the hospital. Jamie is coming home today. I'll be like an hour" she kisses her husband once more before kissing her son. "Urm what time is the dinner res?"

"8" Benji pipes without breaking contact with his phone.

"Ok well it's 4 now can you drop Keeke off at your moms please?"

"Of course baby" he kisses once more before she leaves to drop Mila off. She starts to feel these tight cramps passing them off as nothing more than drank her iced coffee too quickly. She reaches the hospital, walking through these corridors where Keeke was born where Peepkin two will be born. Actually feels her with happiness which is strange for a hospital. They reach Jamie's room and through the little window she can see the new tiny bundle of joy and the look of happiness on her friends face.

"Mila look who is it" she lets her out of the car seat and she goes running up to cold. Mac sits next to Jamie and her new son. "Oh my god. He is gorgeous" she hands Mac the baby, he opens his eyes to these bright blue and Mac is lost in them. "Have you guys thought of a name?"she looks up at her friends.

"Yeah Myles. Myles and Milan"

"Oh that is beautiful. I'm so happy for you guys" she hands the baby back to her friend kisses her on the cheek. "I've got you a gift at the house but I thought you've got enough to carry. I'll bring round later. I'm gonna let you two settle and I'll see you soon" she gives Mila one last kiss goodbye before heading back to the house. To see whether Gus has even left the studio and done what she has asked or not. Pulling up the house Benjis car is gone which is good sign, entering the house, it's all tidy no kids toys anywhere. She walks into the kitchen setting her keys down on the side and Gus has cleaned all in here she can smell the laundry going round. He does listen to her. This may be the pregnancy hormones but she starts to tear up. Another Braxton hicks. This time is a big one. Gus comes walking into the kitchen.

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