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They hear two gun shots, the sound pierces the warm Chicago night. Mac grips tight on Gus's arm as she feels a warm liquid through her fingers. Holding on tight she is scared to look down at what has just happened. She locks eyes with Gus, fear runs through her body looking at the fear in his eyes. Her body just gives way, she collapses Gus catches her, he holds her in his arms. This how she felt. This is how Malika must of felt in her last moments, being with someone she's loves in her last moments. Mac holds tight on Gus's arm not wanting to let go. Scared if she lets go then she'll let go of everything. She looks up at him trying to show him she's not scared, that she's loves him.

"I love you" with her free hand she places it on his face "it's gonna be ok baby because I love you" she smiles up at him, she try's to hold on but a small cough escapes her lips followed by a small dribble of blood. "We are gonna be ok baby. Forever and a day" she coughs more blood follows, her chin is now bright red. Her eyes slowly close, Gus's face is covered in her blood. Mac wakes up in a hospital bed. She sits up looking around her, the room is sparkling white. No one is in the room with her, it's like the room is brand new and nothing in it bar a bed. Where is Gus? Where are the nurses? She looks down at herself, she is fully dressed no blood no pregnant belly. Getting up off the bed she looks in the mirror her makeup and hair is perfect, no blood. She is so confused with what is going on. Didn't she just get shot? Looking at herself in the mirror someone walks past the door she clicks in it the corner of her eye. Mac rushes out of the room shouting after the figure "EXCUSE ME" she spins around really confused there is a weird light all around her. There's no staff, no other patients, it's like an empty shell of a hospital. "EXCUSE ME" she goes running after the strange figure. Managing to catch up with this person she grabs their arm "Grandpa?" Grandpa Pack Ack stares back at her. She is so confused now. Where the fuck is she?

"Mackenzie?" He was the only one she ever let call her that. He pulls her in for a hug "What are you doing here?"

"Grandpa where am I? I don't know where I am" he doesn't seem to comprehend what she just said "we miss you so much" she starts to cry "Gus misses you so much" she hugs him again, thinking she would never get to talk to him again.

"It's ok Mackenzie" he strokes her cheek "I lived a good life, you and my tattooed  poet have your whole lives to live. Enjoy them" he kisses her forehead, taking her hand and pulling her into what would of be the reception area. Where there are others waiting. The all turn around, Mac stops dead in her tracks.

"Malika?!" She cry's instantly seeing her best friend. "Mat?! Mum????" The final figure turns around "Daddy?" Tears stream down her face. Not knowing who to run she runs to her dad. "Daddy" she cry's into his shoulder "I've missed you. I did it" she shows him her rings.

"I know Mackie" she hasn't been called this since he died " We've been watching you hunny. We are so proud of you" he pulls her mum in for a cuddle as they stare at her proud.

"Where am I?" She turns around asking everyone.

"Purgatory. You gotta pick hun"

She turns to Malika "huh?" She asks really confused by the whole thing "pick? Fucking pick what"

"To fight or to give up" Malika pulls her in for a hug "I'm so proud you mami. I've been watching you and Shay. How gorgeous is my nephew?" Mac laughs. "Mac please fight baby, you're not supposed to be here. It's not your time Mami. Shay needs you. Gus needs you"

"Malika. I'm tired of fighting. I'm constantly fighting to live. I just need a rest. Can't I have a rest?" She begs with her

"Mami if you stop fighting you join us. I know you miss us all but it's not your time. It's really not"

"Hey dickwad" Mat lightly punches her arm excepting her to deck him one but instead she pulls him in for a cuddle "I'm so sorry Mac. I don't know what came over me. I knew exactly what I was doing and I still did it. Please don't blame your self, you didn't do anything I wouldn't do"

"I love you so much Mat. I'm so sorry this happened to you" she clings on to her brother. Not realising how much she had actually missed him during this time. She hears a baby cry, her head shoots round. The baby carries on crying no one else seems to hear it. She goes running after the noise, they all follow her. Entering the nursery there is one crib. The label says Baby Åhr her heart breaks, the room is full of everyone she has ever loved and died. She knows in that moment her baby didn't survive. But it's ok, it's ok because she is here. She could keep this moment alive forever. Mac picks up the crying baby, he looks exactly like Gus did when he was baby, he immediately stops crying. She turns around facing her family. "I could stay here forever with everyone I love" she looks up at with tears in her eyes.

"Mackie you don't want that, I sometimes get to be in the same place as you. I get one moment every 6/7/8 months. You wouldn't be able to live like that with Gus. You two are supposed to have a long happy life together" her father strokes her cheek, taking the baby out of her arms " you couldn't live with yourself  if you hurt him like" he kisses her head

"We will ever have our family?" She asks her father. He always has the answers, she misses asking him questions that no one would have the answers to but he does.

"You will hunny" Keith puts the baby back in the crib as he turns to her and smiles "you'll have so many kids, not all of them yours but by love you two will give them, they will be yours"

"Mackenzie you're not supposed to be here. Not yet anyway. Please go back to our tattooed poet. We all love you but you're not supposed to be here" Pack Takes her hand. A white light appears in corridor.

"Go baby. We will see you soon, the carousel never stops turning" Malika blows her a kiss as she goes running off into the light.

Mac starts coughing, Gus and Liza both look up at her. She slowly opens her eyes, her hand pats the bed looking for Gus. He grabs it bring it up to his face, he kisses her head rubbing it against his face. He thought he would never smell her again, feel her warmth against her skin. His eyes filled with tears thinking he would never see those bright blues again.

"Our baby is gone" Gus nods his head.

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