Estelle Method

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There are many different methods people use, remember if it doesn't work for you, don't give up! And if you really are struggling to shift, maybe try another method and see which one works for you! All methods work best if you have no doubt in your mind, you're calm and you're relaxed! :)

Before any method(!!!)

- make sure you've relaxed yourself/ grounded with some meditations

- watch visualizations/ edits/ one of the movies/ read one of the books

- have a clear room/ space for a clear mind

- gone over your script and remember key points

- close/ lock door- block out all distractions

- hydrate yourself! :)


【The Estelle Method】

1. Put your earplugs in and play a song that makes you think of your DR or a certain person in your DR that you can slow dance to.

2. When it plays, get in a comfortable position on your bed and close your eyes.

3. Picture yourself slow dancing with someone important from your DR/ the person the song reminds you of (this doesn't have to be someone romantic, it could be a sibling/ best-friend/ parent).

4. When the song is finished don't play it again, imagine you and the person have stopped dancing, and the person says: "Are you ready to go home?" 

5. When they do imagine you and the person are going through a door into a bright light. While you are walking through the bright light, keep repeating affirmations in your head, like "I will shift", "I am shifting", "I am going to Hogwarts", anything like that, just keep repeating it.

6. You will start to feel like your falling. Don't panic! It is what you're supposed to be feeling! You may also feel like there is a tingling sensation going over you or your ears ringing, these are just signs you are shifting. All these symptoms are normals ad don't panic and open your eyes, or you won't shift.

7. Stay calm, keep repeating your affirmations. After (maximum) a few minutes of falling, you will stop feeling like your falling and everything will go dark. 

8. When you open your eyes, you will be in your DR.


If you don't shift immediately, don't lose hope! It has take me a whole week before I returned to my DR before, you will go home! :)


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