My fifth shift! (part 2/2)

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[[𝕄𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕙 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝕛𝕒𝕟𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕪- 𝟚𝟘/𝟙/𝟚𝟘.]]


((I'm realising how late this is compared to the date. I wrote this on the 1st Feb 2020 and I never managed to get around to posting it. After I began finishing this draft a lot of shit happened and I found myself preoccupied with super personal issues. This resulted in shifting no longer being a break for me, but an escape route. For my own sake, I have decided to take a long, needed, break. Nothing to do with my shifting experience or my DR, and they all still love me, I still love them. I just need to focus on my Current Reality for the time. Since my fifth shift to this DR, I shifted one last time, but it was just to experience it for one last time before I took a long break. That shift was personal and I hope you all don't mind me not sharing it here. But, enjoy what I wrote from Feb, I'm so sorry I can't promise anything else soon. When I get back into shifting and sort my personal life out, you will all be the first to know. I love you all. 111 222 333 444))

Hey y'allllll okay y'all know why you're here, let's go.... 

So basically, Ron is being EVERYTHING on this trip to Hogsmeade and I'm wondering how Draco even wooed me, but also I do?

Like Ron is very (not sexually) intimate and personable, like his hugs are to die for and it's the little things like if there's hair in your face he'll randomly move it, and he is like a warm roast dinner after you've been out in the cold. Draco is a shiny steel blade, like you're intrigued and impressed by it, but it's not comparable to the warm roast,,, he gets you with gifts and unexpected glances it's not the familiar comfort but a thrilling chase....

Or I'm just reading way too into it and getting reallllyyyy fuckin attached... lol anyway,,

while we were IN Hogsmeade, it was a crazy experience. Like obviously magic is real and I was adjusted to it by now, but still seeing witches and wizards all 'bibitybobityboo'ing outside of school was so fun to see. Every time I see more magic it's just another part of me feeling so much surer that I'm in my DR. Anywayss

Apart from that mushy stuff, obvs there was Ron, Hermione and Harry. Me and Ron stayed by each others sides the whole time, and we were always laughing, he literally had me in tears this boy is so funny. We went to loads of shops and Ron offered to buy me everything I was looking at and every time my heart was bursting but I refused every time as well bc I knew he probably couldn't afford it-- I knew I certainly couldn't. I was looking at this crazy expensive necklace and it was literally so gorgeous, but Ron opened his mouth to ask me if he could buy it for me so I was like 'Definitely not my taste at all. I don't even think it's real for the price they've got it at.' And walked off, Ron following me with a weird smile on his face. So idk if he knew what I was up to bc I was trying to spare his pockets and I didn't want him feeling bad for not getting me anything,  I'm not exactly that international super spy y'know what I'm sayin, lying is not my forte.

HERES MY HIGHLIGHT OF THE SHIFT, and a lot happened, like I said I saw my brother later on in Hogsmeade and that was crazy-- not my Slytherin brother who was still in school but my oldest brother who was actually a Gryffindor. And I didn't script that to happen, he just went 'my name, is that you?' and I was like 'I recognise that cheeky mf's voice'. When I saw him I almost hit him with a 'why I outta' bc I was so shocked but happy to see him.  I went up to my brother he was with his gf and I was with Ron and Ron was looking at my brother all confused and kinda,,, not glaring but sus. Jealous isn't something I want all the time obvs, but Ron jealous is *chefs KISS*. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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