Chapter Five

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This might be a short story. Things are moving fast I don't wish to drag it out.


We found a small cafe just a few blocks from the AMF. I made up for my three tragic losses that got me into this mess and won three intense games of bowling. Things got seriously competitive some time in the middle of game one and it was nothing but strikes and spares but this fella won with a hundred and one while Mr. Dr. Professor Maxwell loss with one hundred. Things got ugly from there but I won every time. I told you I would get back into my groove.

We both worked up an appetite and went searching for something intimate. He pulled in the small cafe's parking lot and we strolled in the quaint place. The walls were a deep cherry wood while the chandeliers had a soft yellow hue to them. It was very intimate. We seated ourselves in a small booth away from the door and ordered their signature hamburgers. I'll definitely hit up the gym after this juicy bacon cheeseburger.

"You're good." Bradley nods at me as he sips his beer.

"Redemption." I smile. "So you always this flirty?" I shyly ask as I study the vintage artwork.

"No...I haven't been for a while. When I try to be in a serious relationship they are always asking for something. Once the find out I'm a doctor then want gold served to them on a silver platter. You are the first person I've had to fight for plus the risk in this is exciting." He smiles brightly.

"That's all kind good and well but...doesn't it seem a little too much...babe?"

"Aren't I competing with someone else for your affection?"

"Who?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That fellow you're always with. I don't know his name but he has black hair, usually in a black leather jacket."

"Oh, Damien."

"What about Damien?"

"To be honest with you, I don't know. So you're winning right now if it's a secret pissing contest you have going on."

He smiles, "I like you. Especially after today. I got to learn a lot about you today. I love how passionate you are about your medical career. There's nothing more than I want to do but help you fulfill your destiny. I know what you're doing now" he reaches over and grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers, "sitting across from me like this is a lot to ask of someone so determined but I couldn't go another day in class with checking each other out and sharing glances without making a move. Today was--" I quickly cut him off by reaching across the table and grabbing the back of his neck and drawing his lips to mine. I couldn't sit there any longer and listen to those sweet words pour from his lips. His lips are as soft as they look he tasted delicious. He tasted of minty beer and a hint of sweet cherry. Wonderful compared to the rustic taste of Day. Just the mention of him made my blood boil. I guess we should have written it down on paper that us as a couple was never going to happen. If he has feelings for me he needs to man up and tell me because I can't deal with a love triangle right now. It's very one sided if I did.

Brad's warm hands cup my face and nibbles on my bottom lip before sucking gently. I lean further into the kiss to deepen it and his fingers lace through my curls. I slide the tip of my tongue across his plump bottom lip and he opens quickly and his tongue fights against mine before I get the chance to slip past his lips. I moan softly and had to grasp my will to pull away. The lightest tug had Brad locking his fingers in my hair keeping me close. I swallow his grunt of disapprovement and savor his tongue exploring every crook and cranny of my mouth. I nearly jumped when a throat cleared next to us. I tried to pull away again but Bradley took his time before releasing me. He dragged my bottom lip between his teeth before letting me go. I sit back in my booth and avoid the waiter as he set our burgers down and hurried away. I took a long sip of my beer and avoided his brown eyes. That was intense.

"You kissed me." He announces.

"Yes because I couldn't go another second without knowing what you taste like." I stated honestly as I toss a fry in my mouth.


"So this was fun?" I smile as I swing our joined hands while walking to my apartment. Now I'm the giddy one. I felt so freed now that our feelings are out there. How we're going to hide that in class, I don't know or care. I'm happy.

"Very." He pulled me close and released my hand to wrap his arm around my waist.

"So..." I turn to face him stopping in front of my door.

"So?" He wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me close to his chest. I loosely wrap my arms around his neck as he leans down and captures my lips. I stand on my tiptoes as I run my fingers through his soft brown locks. For the third time tonight I jump frightened as my door is opened. I pull away and look at glaring Isabella.

"Professor Maxwell, what a pleasant surprise." She has sarcasm dripping from her lips. She's also beyond pissed. Probably because I didn't tell her what's going on and because I'm sucking my teacher's face in public.

"Hello. I don't think we've formally met." He gently moves me to the side but only removes one arm from my waist. He extends his hand to Bella and smiles softly, "I'm Bradley or Brad if you will and you are?" He asks politely.

"Me? Oh I'm going to jump you if you don't let go of a very optimistic Hunter Davis. He is going to be a doctor and you aren't going to ruin it for him regardless of any feelings you've dug up from the depths of your soul because you're lonely and haven't been laid in so long. I don't give two shits about how you feel either Hunter because this isn't going to happen. You can lie in bed and have as many wet dreams as you like but this--" She gestured to me and Brad, "this isn't going to happen. Not now, not ever. So let him go and good night." Isabella all but growled as she dragged me out of his arms and into my apartment. I knew better not to breath a word to Izzy in this state of mind. Brad on the other hand was about to go off but I leaped out of her hold and place my hands on his rock solid chest.

"Just go. She's just bitter that I didn't tell her crap. She won't tell anyone or do anything." I roll my eyes and look at her. She was leaning against the door frame tapping her foot impatiently. She squinted her eyes and bucked at us.

He looks at me frowning, "Call me tomorrow?" I nodded and peck his lips softly. Izzy groans and drags me away from him and into the home, slamming the door in his face.

"Talk...NOW!" She shouts.


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