Chapter 22

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Leigh's POV

I'm laying in this bed not knowing who I am and the people in my life is strangers to me, yet somehow my heart breaks for them, I have this strange emptiness inside of me that is can't explain.

Watching the rain pour outside my mind is running to a million places, what was my life like? I sounded so happy, but at the same time I can't believe it because it doesn't sound like me at all!

My whole body hurts my heart hurts as I'm laying here trying to make of things I don't even notice the nurses coming in and out of my room.

All I could do was try and place this all together, it was so difficult I don't even know where to start. It hurts so much physically and mentally and I don't even know how to comprehend everything.

As I'm laying here in my own little world I hear a soft knock on the door, and I can't even imagine who it would be, and as I turn my head I see Brycen standing by the curtain and he looks genuinely sad.

I smile and tell him to sit down I need to try and atleast talk to him maybe I'll remember something.

"Hi you can sit down I'd like to talk to you"

"Thank you, for letting me come in I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me after everything?"

I smile lowly and say "it's okay I need to try and remember, I have to"

He shifts a bit in the chair and sits forward "I'm not sure if I want you to remember, don't get me wrong it would make things easier, but you went through something so bad that I wouldn't wish it on anyone, and it's all my fault" he lowers his head and look down.

I sigh I can see the absolute heartbreak in his eyes, "Brycen I know I went through something tragic but I know it's not your fault, as I understand the guy was psycho and wanted revenge for something you did as a child, and it was the right thing, so I don't blame you at all I promise"

He starts crying and for some reason it breaks my heart into a million pieces and I just want to hug him and take his pain away..

I try and sit up but t hurts so bad and I let out a moan, Brycen jumps up to help me, as he grabs my arm my stomach turns and I smile, I like this unknown feeling, "I'm okay I promise I just wanted to sit up a bit."

He smiles and my heart skips a beat, what is going on with me? Why am I feeling like this?

As the night goes on me and Brycen stay up talking all night about small things he made me laugh we cried, I cried alot about a child I lost, silly right? Crying over a child I never met.

I don't know at what point I fell asleep but when I woke up Brycen wasn't here and I kinda felt sad and I don't know why?

The doctor comes in he checks on me and tells me I'm still weak I'm not allowed to go home.

Urg this is so frustrating I'm starting to hate it here....

A full year has passed and I'm finally leaving the hospital after a bunch of surgeries, and a shit to of physio therapy I'm leaving, now a mountain lays before me that I have to face, going home means I'm going to Brycen, I'm exited and scared at the same time, I still have no memory, but we've had a great time this year his been there every step of the way, I've been loving it to have him around, and Devon I must admit he is as mad as the hatter but funny as fuck.

Brycen's Pov

As I'm laying on my bed trying my best to sleep but I can't, I hear a load bang from the front door down stairs, I get up feeling like shit and go downstairs, when I'm at the door Devon screams "Bee come on fucker we gonna be late you son of a bitch"

I roll my eyes and open the door "wow you're so early" I say and walk to the kitchen "yeah well you look like complete shit, have you slept anything?" he asks and I shake my head as I turn the kettle on.

Devon slides onto the counter and looks at me funny "dude you need to relax, it's Leigh we are talking about you guys have had the best year so far you got to do it all over again, anyone would kill for that."

I look at him and shake my head "it's not that Dev, it's the fact that she's coming home but I don't know how to take away that hole in my heart, if I wasn't out late and be here for her we would have had a little girl crawling around by now and married, and now it's just a memory fading so fast I can't hold on. "

Devon slides of the counter and looks at me "dude I know it's hard it kills me everyday, but we need to try and move forward and be there for Leigh, she's still here and you still love her it's all that matters. "

I just smile and pat him on the shoulder "Thanks bro I know I'll get over it aventualy" and move to the kettle

Leigh's Pov

As I sit in my room looking out the window I get more nervous, I wish my memory could come back it would make things so much more easier,

. Knock on the door.

Brycen and Devon walks in and Devon grabs me screaming" Hi bitch you going home finally, I'm sick of this hospital urg"

I laugh nervously and take my bags "let's go you're not the only one who is sick of this place" and they take my bags from me as we start walking out.

The drive was quite and awkward, I have no idea where we are but we stop at this big gate and this beautiful log cabin sits at the end of the driveway

It's exactly like I always dreamed about wow I'm in awe.

We get to the house and I kinda hesitate to get out of the car but Brycen helps me out, and I just stand there staring......

HI guys I'm sorry I've been so absent its just been a crazy few months but I'll try my best to update everyday

Nadz xxxxxxxxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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