Chapter 14

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Brycen's POV

I'm 10 years old sitting on my bed like I always do, My parents are out of town for the weekend
It's only me and my big brother Harrison (Harry) he's 19 years old
He doesn't listen to my parents and he hangs out with bad people who makes him do bad things

I keep myself away from them because I don't like trouble
On this afternoon Harry and one of the other gang members were in his room and they were playing music so loud it filled the whole house
I tried to stay out of their way for my own good!
After a while everything went quiet and I thought they left I make my way downstairs to get something to eat and drink
As I open the fridge I hear someone speak and I follow the voices
I come to the back door and see Harry and Jason standing outside with another guy infront of them on his knees and it sounds like he is begging them
And suddenly I feel a shiver up my spine as Harry smiles coldly and pulls out a gun and shoots the guy right between the eyes
I jump and run as fast as I can upstairs hoping so bad they didn't see me I get to my room and lock it
I quickly run and hide under my bed where I always did when my parents would fight I lay there praying Harry didn't see me crying my eyes out I wish my mom was here........

I shake my head from the memory and as I sit on the floor screaming my lungs out I wonder how it got to this? How did he find me? How does he know about Leigh? How is he even out? It's only been 9 years and he got 15. What is even happening?

I take a breath and gather my thoughts "Harry I swear to god if you even touch her in any way I'll kill you" I spat out knowing it won't even matter to him.

I hear a laugh on the other side and he says "Oh wow now you sound like the little brother I've always wanted, too bad it's a little to late, I'll make her suffer like you made me suffer, I'll cause her so much pain just before I kill her, bye now little brother"

I freeze and my blood runs cold I can't even think straight

But I fail the only person who I know who is capable of helping me now.....

"The fuck you want, I'm busy" Devon says as he answers
I sigh "Devon please I need your help it's Leigh"
The line is quiet "I'll be right there" and the line goes dead

After what seems like hours u hear Devon pull up in the driveway and of course he brought Esmé with
What the fuck she's going to freak out, I can't handle another breakdown right now

They enter the house with me standing at the door.

I greet Esmé and smile trying not to look worried.

Devon just nods at me and I say "can I please see you on the patio?"

Esmé kisses him and rolls her eyes at me "Pffft boys, I'll be in the kitchen"

I make my way outside without looking back and sit down at the table

Devon soon joins me sitting down at the table opposite me and I sigh...

Devon looks at me "Dude what the fuck is going on? You making me stress"

I look down at the table "Devon I fucked up so bad and I don't know how to fix it, I can't take away my past but I never knew it would come back to haunt me" I say with a heavy heart

Devon looks at me confused "What the fuck you on about? And what does this have to do with Leigh?"

I sigh and make him swear not to tell Esmé and he agrees "dude she doesn't even know what I really do, I'm not that stupid to put her in danger! Now spit it out"

I not and start telling him the story of Harry and he just sits there while I ramble on about the murder and how my parents made me testify against him because I had no choice I was underage a minor so I had to do what they tell me to, but Harry doesn't know I was forced, I guess he is seeking revenge now

And I tell Devon how I fucked up with Leigh and how I didn't know she was pregnant and I just so afraid now for her because I know Harry he's heartless and I tell him about the phone call and his face pales and all he says is

"What the actual fuck! I don't care how bas he wants revenge but you don't fuck with people I love yes I might own a gang but we don't do woman or children it's off limits! He took it just a lil to far for me, he doesn't know me I've killed my own family without blinking in cold blood he fucked with the wrong person now"

I look at him shocked this is another side of Devon but he gets up and goes inside to Esmé.

I can't bring myself to move, I see Esmé getting up from the couch and move to the patio door screaming at me "bye fucker hope you get over your meltdown" and laugh flipping me off, she's something else but not long after Devon returns alone "okay so Esmé thinks your having a meltdown, So she left with my car we will be okay now"

I just look at him as he sits down with a laptop and phone, he fails a number and put it down on the table on speaker

I hear it ring and after just 2 rings I hear a guy on the other end say "yes boss"

I look up at Devon confused I thought he was part of a gang not run it! And suddenly that soft jokingly funny Devin is gone and darkness overtakes his face and I'm not gonna lie I'm scared right now of how fast he could change his demeanor, I just sit there and watch him too scared to talk

"Matt gather the men now! With all the weapons you can find and be here in an hour, and dare be late and I'll shoot you in the face got it?" "Yes boss"

He gives my address and I just sit there in shock I can't believe what I've just heard.

I jump when Devon grabs my phone out of my hand and he plugs it into his laptop to start tracing my call he hacks into street cameras and everything

We just sit there in silence I don't dare even try and speak.

After an hour exactly 7 cars pull into my driveway and I'm both thankfully and scared at the same time

A whole gang knows where I live now how great is that..

About 30 men walks into my house and I just stand one side while Devon enters the room from outside all the men line up like military soldiers

As soon as he enters the tension in the room thickens they are scared of him

Devon approaches them with his hands behind his back and speak to them telling them what's going on and he gives Leigh's location to them and I can't help but feel happy

After all the plans was layed out we start packing the cars to leave

As we drive down the road I try and prepare myself for what was to come...

Devon said I have to be ready for war....

XXxX Nadz ♡

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