Chapter 12

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McKayleigh's Dream

I run to my room and close the door I know I'm going to get punished I try so hard to swallow the tears back
All I hear is my mom screaming at me she came into my room and she started hitting me with anything she could find I tried so hard to defend myself but she kept on hitting me any place she could find
Not long after He walked in as my mother walked out and I knew I just knew it wasn't over yet
He grabbed a bet and it all started again as he hits me twice as hard
I just cried I couldn't do anything I couldn't even run

Eventually he stopped and I was left on my bedroom floor in pain and crying I just wish I was dead
This broken little 8 year old wished she was dead I couldn't even walk straight
I went to go bath and hissed at the pain the lashes was all over my lower back down to the back of my thighs
I went back to my room and soon I cried myself to sleep
I barely fell asleep when I hear my bedroom door open
Noooooo please god no not now!
He walked in with a smile on his face and walked to my bed
Tears stained my face as he came to a stop infront of me he bent down all I could hear is "you be quiet now"
His hand moved to my inner thigh and I went numb I just layed there crying....... please don't!!

Brycen's POV

As i lay here sleeping I hold her so tight and suddenly she starts talking in her sleep and my eyes fly open

What the hell is going? I look down at her sleeping but she has this pained look on her face she's dreaming or having a nightmare

I pull myself up on my elbow and try to wake her up she's screaming now breaking out in a sweat my heart drops completely when she starts crying out stop and I instantly know what she's dreaming about

It kills me to see her like this but I'll fix it I swear even if it's the last thing I do!

I place my arm on her gently and shake her but she goes hysterical I call out her name and she jumps up looking at me so frightened and bursts out crying I just grab her and hold her so tight

I don't like seeing her like this I'll kill that man if I ever see him again that I swear!

She layed on my chest crying for so long kept on repeating "I'm so sorry" in between she has nothing to be sorry about  it's not her fault!

I glance at the clock on the wall it's only 2am and Leigh has calmed down somewhat and I just can't help but wonder if this will haunt her forever?

I let out a breath and say "Love" she tightens a bit but relaxes "Mhmm"

"Do you wanna talk about it??"

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