« Do you want to take off your jeans ? » Dean heard through the door.

The question made his heart skip a beat in confusion. Not lingering on his ackward confusion, Dean saw that Liam had come back, changed into comfortable jogger pants and a tight fitting white tee-shirt, which didn't leave much space for imagination. Dean had to tear his eyes away from the nicely shaped chest and pectoral.

Coosing wisely not to voice out his response, he nodded his ascent, taking off his own coat and hanging it on the back of a chair to dry. Armed with his towel and the pants lent by the older French man, he took off to the hallway where he guessed the bathroom should be. He took his time in the disorganized room, making the most of it to calm his heart and pep talking himself for the upcoming talk they would have.

« What's its name ? » the black haired man asked upon coming back in the lounge, finding Liam seated cuddling the meowing kitten.

« Su-ya. » answered the owner, his eyes stuck on the cute creature rolling around on his lap.

Inexplicably, Dean's heart jumped in his chest. Frowning to his own reaction he didn't say more and just looked around not knowing where to stand or sit.

« Take a seat. Do you want to have something to drink before we begin ? » asked Liam.

« Do you have anything warm ? »

The older man nodded, put the cat on his side on the sofa and directed himself to the last door. He came back soon after, holding onto an electric kettle, two mugs and a box. Liam put everything on his coffee table, inviting Dean to serve himself freely while he himself took out a tea bag from the box.

« So ... » he began, sipping his tea « What did you want to talk about ? »

Dean sighed. The man was not going to make it easy for him. Taking a deep breath in, he began the hardest conversation he had ever done in his entire life. Coming out to his grandfather hasn't been as nerve wracking as this moment.

« How do I start ? Don't you have any questions ? » he started off.

« I'm not the one who wanted to talk. » reminded him the brown haired man, his head directed to his purring kitten.

« True, but you are the one who distanced yourself from me. » factually said Dean, earning a dark stare « Alright, alright, I will do the talk and you can ask anything, if you feel like it. »

Liam scoffed, but didn't stop him and just seated back on his sofa, taking the cat back on his lap.

« I had just turned six years old when my parents both died from an accident. » Liam jerked his head up, frowning at Dean's introduction « I'm not saying that to try to earn your pity, don't worry. Just listen. »

« As I said, we were in a tourist bus, when the driver dozed off, causing the bus to crash down on the highway. My parents both died and I survived, alone. I was traumatised at the time and if not for my grandfather and Win, I'm not sure I would have made it out sane. Even more so because from then on, every night was a succession of nightmares and vivid dreams. As you can probably imagine, the nightmares were haunting me and I woke up crying more than once. » he was talking fast as memories were flooding his mind from recalling those difficult years.

It wasn't easy to retell this to someone other than Win and his grandfather but he had to do it for Liam to understand him, even just a tiny bit. Dean's hands were either fumbling and grazing each other or rubbing against his sweat pants wearing tight. He needed the comfort it gave him.

« As for the dreams, it was an entire different story. At first I didn't understand what they meant, but the warmth I got from it helped me find back some confidence. Hope even. Those dreams were what encouraged me to go to bed each night. I still couldn't sleep alone, but at least I didn't stay awake for hours, fearing to close my eyes. »

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