The Gifted

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Wave's head is still ringing. His head feels like being smashed by a hammer. He tried to open his eyes but the light from the window is blinding. The coldness of the room is clearly felt by his naked skin.

Naked. Why is he naked?

Wave does not usually sleep in his room naked. Then he felt a weight of an arm in his waist.

What the hell?

That's what really woke him up. Automatically he look at the man who is giving him a warm hug.

He pushed the man out of the bed.

"What the hell Sun?!" The handsome man yelled at him.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my room? Why.. What-..." Wave doesn't know what to say.

The man noticed that Wave is stuttering and in turmoil.

"Babe... What are you talking about?" He said while moving closer to Wave.

What the hell? Why is he calling me Babe? Why am I naked with him? Shit... What the hell happened?! Pang!

"Don't come near me..." Wave said "Who are you?"

"Babe, if your pranking me it's not funny stop it" the man said with a hint of annoyance.

"I don't know you... Why the hell are you calling me babe? Why are we both naked?"

"Sun... This is not funny drop the act, ok..." the man's voice is now filled with irritation.

"Fuck! Who are you calling Sun?"

This guy is already getting on his nerves. Why does he keep on calling me Sun? Why is he naked with him when in fact he is still confused with what is going on between him and Pang. How does this things happen. He tried to remember. The last thing that he remembered doing was helping Ohm enhancing and practicing his potential with Pang.

Ohm! So my theory about his power is true. The things that he is using his power on were not just hidden to the eyes of the people. It was being transported to the other realm. A void or space between realms. But since there's a surge of power due to that power amplifier that I installed, it allows me and Pang to pass through that space and made it to other realms. An alternate dimension. A parallel world. He did it with Pang. So where is Pang now?

He didn't notice that the man he is with is already beside him and shaking him furiously.

"Hey! Sun! Sun!"

"I'm not Sun..." He said.

"What are you talking about babe?" Now the man is obviously worried.

"I'm not Sun...."

Then they heard someone who is furiously banging their door.

The man walk to the door and open it.

"Oh.... What are you doing here?" But the newly arrive person went inside without answering the question.


"Pang!" Wave stand up still covering his naked body and went to hug Pang.
Pang hug him back, then kissed him full on the lips..

"What the hell?!" the man who opened the door is furiosly red because of what he saw. "Are you cheating on me Sun, with Oh?!" asked by the man who was already teary due to what he saw.

But he is not the only person who was so shocked by Pang's action. It's like Wave's brain short circuited for a moment.

"I told you I'm not Sun!" Wave yelled when his shocked subsided "I'm Wave... I need you to calm down, clear your mind and talk to us."

"Who would believe all this crap that you were saying? If you just want to break it up with me fine. You don't have to make this stupid play." The man furiosly said and act on leaving but Pang grab his hand and said "Please listen to us first."

The man even though crying stayed.

Pang did the talking.

"P'Inn... We are not who you think we are. I'm not your friend Oh and he is not your boyfriend Sun. I'm Pang and he's Wave."

"We are not from this world." said Pang.

Inn's face showed his disbelief.

"Believe it or not Phi... We came from other realms."


"It's true... This world is not our world. Have you heard about the theory of Parallel Dimensions. That the universe is not the only one. That there's an infinite number of world."

"We came from the other world." Wave said"And in this world we are the gifted and we have our potentials."

Inn's POV

Are they fucking real?! Inn said in his own world. Well who would believe it. Parallel world. Alternate dimension. Potentials. But even with those weirdness he has to trust them because if it's not true that means his Sun is having an affair with Oh and that's the most unbelievable part of what's happening. His Sun would never hurt him.

He could still feel his Sun's touch. The way they celebrate their first anniversary of being officially together. How sweet his Sun acts last night.

"P'Inn?" Wave called him... "Oi..Where are you keep on disappearing... On lalaland?!Don't tell me..."

He is definitely not my Sun. He is scary. And this is awkward.

"So tell me... In your world... The two of you were together?"

"Yes" "No" Pang and Wave said at the same time, making Inn raised his eyebrow.

"We're not together?" Pang asked with the hint of annoyance.

"We're NOT. TOGETHER." Wave said.

"Really?! So you're just that chummy with your friends."

"Ow...Pang your my only friend..."

"Well just to inform you friends don't casually kissed each other."

"I know... I'm not stupid... But I'm also not stupid to think that what we have is serious..."

"So what are we... How do you call that? Friends with benefits?"

"Ok..." Inn murmured while trying to surpress his grin"This is awkward"

Wave shook his head. "I think you're enjoying the show too much..." Wave said then leave the two boys in the Kitchen.

Then Pang decided to talk.

"So you and Sun?"

Inn nodded then smile. "We just celebrated our first year anniversary last night."

"If what you are saying is true... Where is my Sun now?"

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