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"Will you please stop staring at me?" Claire said, obviously annoyed at how Oh stared at her. "This is insane, we have to go back as soon as possible. I don't want to stay here, I need to go back to Punn, he must be worried."

Wave just deadpanned her and rolled his eyes. He's having headache at the moment. Even how much he assessed the situation, it just turned from bad to worse, and he can't find away on how they could get back to Ridtha.

Inn, Oh and Mon were just staring at them. Claire is at her usual obnoxious and loathing self.

Him and Claire were actually on better terms now than before. They were actually friends now even though they still annoyed each other. They just clash most of the time, maybe because their personalities were too similar to each other. They have the same views about trust and distrust, they were too perceptive, they both have the same level of confidence, they think a like, both of them would never back down and would do anything to get back at people who have done them wrong. Of course, he is still better than Claire in so many ways, even though she won't admit that.

"I think it's time to go home, it's a tiring day, so many things have happened."Inn said, even though he is evidently heavy hearted with the situation.

" Wait! So where are we staying now?" Claire asked to Wave.

" It's up to you, if you want to stay with Oh here."

Claire's eyes widen in horror.

" No way I would stay here. " she said.

"You could go with me." Ainam offered.

Claire then look at Wave. With a hint of concern in her eyes.

"Go with her... I'm sure that Oh here doesn't really wanted to be with you as well." Wave said nonchalantly. Claire just rolled her eyes.

"And you?" Claire asked with a bit hint of concern in her voice.

"I don't think I would be able to stay here as well without killing him... So I'll look for any hotel that I could stay in."

"Or you could stay with me." Inn offered.

Wave stared at Inn for a couple of seconds before lifting his eyes away.

"It's fine with me, but, is it ok with you?"he asked the man.

"Of course... You may look like Sun but  I'm over with the idea that you're him. You two were completely two opposite poles."

Wave smiled a little with bitterness. "Then I think it would be better to go with you...because unlike you I wouldn't be able not see Pang in him."

Thus, the four of them leave Oh alone in his apartment, all heavily hearted as the longing for their friends and lovers grow.

Inn, lead the way to his apartment, asking Wave every now and then, if he's okay. Wave who wasn't used to be treated like someone so delicate and fragile was becoming gradually annoyed but he is controlling himself not to be obnoxious with Inn, after all the older man is just being nice to him. But his terrible longing for Pang is something he can't hide or subdue. He was so used to having Pang around, when he is studying, when he is resting, in his room, in Pang's room, in their Gifted room, in their club room, Pang is everywhere but now he is not. For two years they had been together. Maybe it was just recently that they made their relationship official but it's almost two years that they had been with each other.

"Can't sleep?"

"I'm just thinking of ways on how  to turn back  everything to normal."

"I can't sleep as well."

"Worried about Sun."

"You can't blame me since you told me that your world is a bit dangerous."

"You actually don't have to worry about him, Pang would never let anything happen to him."

"Our Oh here is kinda soft and not as smart as Pang, if you don't mind... Could you tell me more about Pang? What kind of a person he is?"

Wave smiled a little.

"He is not that bright, he is actually the kid from class 8, that's how we call him, most of the gifted students came from Class 1, only Ohm came from class 2 and Pang came from class 8. But he is good with words, he might be not as good as me in math, but he is good in language, with talking, he has the power of persuasion. He also have higher EQ compared to me and Punn, he is sensitive and kind, compassionate and loyal. He is a hardworking person."

"He seems great."

"He is great. I'm not saying this because he is my boyfriend, I'm saying this because he is great."

"It seems he and Sun would be great friends."

"Sun, he is also compassionate and sensitive. He cares about others. Sometimes, more, than he cares for himself."

"We truly are different from each other, my friends know me for being selfish, blunt and insensitive."

"Huhh?" Inn raised his eyebrow. "I'm sure that's not how they see you. I don't really know your friends, but for me, you are a very sensitive person who is very much honest and compassionate and caring too."

Wave just chuckled.

"If only I have my power here." Wave said with so much desperation in his eyes.

"Your power? How does it work?" Inn asked to lighten up the mood.

"I could manipulate digital objects by just touching the surface of any digital things. I could hack the programs and reprogram it."

"oi... That's amazing... You mean you could hack any computer programs?"

Wave smiled a bit and nodded.

"wow...your like those people that I have watched in TV series, those who can hack even the toughest firewall of the government."

Then something click in Wave's mind. "You're right..."


"I'm so stupid."


"Even I don't have my potential, I could still do that, I could still hack a program or make a program, in this world."

Inn's eyes widen.

"Yeah, of course."

"Why haven't I thought about it before?" Wave asked, talking to himself more than to Inn. "Ohh.. Yeah, I tried my power once, it didn't work, and Oh's Internet connection is so slow... Since then, I didn't tried again. I hope you have faster Internet connection."

"Of course I have."Inn said feeling the excitement." and what will you be hacking? "

Wave smirked with eyes full of fire and rekindled hope at the tip of his fingers. He gets Inn's laptop and started to type. He might not have the potential to just touch the surface of the laptop and it would do his biddings, but he still has his brilliant mind.

" I won't hack anyone. I'm going to make a program... And do some research... "

Wave haven't thought of any idea how he could go back, but at least he could do something now. It could work or not, but Wave is not Wave if he didn't try it out.

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