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"Can't you fix it?"

"I don't know." Punn said annoyed while studying the device "It's totally broken."

"It's just an amplifier."

"It's an amplifier for our potential, Pang, designed by your boyfriend. And It's a very complicated one, as complicated as your beloved, so please give me a room to breathe."

"But Wave is alone there." Pang said trying to calm himself.

"He is not alone. He is with Claire."

"But you know those two, when you put them together, it spells disaster."

"Oh... Pang... With regards to that, no one can beat your bestfriend here." Punn said while glaring at Ohm. "Even with those two together can't beat him for being the disastrous one."

Pang wanted to defend his friend but Punn is right, everything is Ohm's fault. But he doesn't want to put so much blame to his friend that obviously feeling the guilt and as of now, is overthinking at the corner. All that he coud do is washed his face with his palm, with frustration, annoyance and anxiety.

Seeing the desperation on Pang's eyes, Punn put his hand on Pang's shoulder.

"We will bring them back, and it's Wave, I'm sure that he will be just fine there."

The next morning, Oh, Ainam and Claire went back to Inn's apartment.

"I wanted to see Peach, I've missed her so much." Oh whined.

Inn and Ainam just look at his pitiful state. Inn could understand the desperation. He himself missed Sun so much.

Wave is still on Inn's laptop with Claire beside him.

"It's not enough" Wave said annoyed

"What?" Claire asked.  "Would you please tell me what is it? I may not as science geek as you are but I'm sure I could understand a little if you just try to explain it to me further."

Wave sighed. Surely Claire is right, he will be needing her help.

"It's really not a solution to our problem but I am making a program that would let us have communication with them."

Claire's eyes widen.

"For real?"

"yeah, I'm actually calibrating the connection to right frequency, the same frequency of energy that we have in Ridtha."

"Do you think it would work?"

Wave lifted his head and stare at Claire.

"I hope so," Wave said then sighed.

"I miss Peach, I want her back!" Oh screamed.

"Will you please shut up!" Wave and Claire yelled at Oh at the same time.

Oh was stunned and taken aback. Obviously scared.

"They're scary!" Oh whispered "How could that Pang handle them?" He asked pouting his lips.

"Aww... Because unlike you Pang is not a whiny, scaredy-cat, who loves to complain...so will you please shut up." Claire said annoyed.

An awkward silence fills the air.

Ainam and Inn decided to go to the kitchen and prepare for breakfast, Oh, who wasn't very keen on being left with Claire and Wave goes with them. Claire and Wave was left in the living area, with Wave busy on making a program and calculating the frequency that they will be needing for their communicator. Hence, Claire decided to make a small talk with Wave.

"Why did you like Pang?"

"What?" Wave asked, he heard Claire's question but he would like to be sure if he heard it right.

"He is unlike Punn... Punn is perfect..."

"For you... Punn is perfect in your eyes."

"So Pang is perfect in yours?"

"Hell No..." Wave uttered, "He has lots of flaws."

"Yeah...he's dumb"

Wave suddenly lift his gaze from the screen of the laptop and glare at Claire. Wave just raised his eyebrow.

"What?!" Claire rolled her eyes "You don't want me to call your beloved boyfriend dumb?"

"Not because he is my boyfriend... I won't accept someone calling someone who defeated me dumb."

"Oh... Yeah..." Claire uttered. " He beats you.. Maybe it's just because your way dumber."

Wave glared at her. Seriously glared at her. And she just deadpan that.

"But seriously, why do you like him? Why do you love him so much?"

"I don't know."

"You, why do you love Punn?" Claire shook her heads she doesn't really know why.

Punn was a dream that became her reality but it wasn't just Punn anymore. She grew as a person and being with Punn makes her grow.

"Is it because he is perfect?"

Claire shook her head, "We both know that, that is not the case with Punn, although he always like to be impeccable, he is not. He could only be perfect in my eyes." Claire confessed, making Wave sees the sincerety in her eyes.

"Pang... He always makes me feel that I could be better than what I am today, that I wasn't a failure that everyone wants me to believe to, that I could do more, be more. He makes me want to be a better person each day. That's one of the reason why I like him. He puts his trust on me without expectations. He makes me believe that the world is not full of traitors and there are still few who could be trusted, he taught me how to trust again. "

" You put so much faith in him," Claire said.

" Isn't it the reason why we chose him as our leader? Because we have faith in him. "

Claire smiled realizing how Wave change for the better. If this is an old Wave, she knows that they will never have a decent conversation.

" Stop, smiling like that, you're creepy." Wave said.

The smiles Claire lets on her face faded and she smacked Wave lightly in the head. This jerk could never act nice with her. He always find somethings to say that would completely ruin her mood.

"It's done,"


Wave showed her his famous smirks.
"Let us see if we could contact them now."

Wave click enter and the screen turns to black, showing binary numbers in neon colors. Then, it was turned off. Inn, Ainam and Oh returned to call them, when the laptop makes a buzzing, static sound, and then, it was turned on again, showing a room, that is very familiar to Wave.

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