The Director

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"Wave! Wave!" Pang called on to his boyfriend. Wave look like so blank, someone without emotion. It seems Wave doesn't hear him, even how loud he calls his name.

"Stop it, Pawaret, He can't hear you, He could never hear anyone's voice but mine." the Director said revealing himself.

"What did you do?" Pang asked, even though he knows it already.

"I'm tired of your silly games Pawaret, If you don't want to be my ally your my enemy and I will crush you to the core."

"Stop it, let him go, I'll do what you want... Just let him go." Pang pleaded, he doesn't know what to do, but he can't just let Wave be under the Director's control. His Wave doesn't want to be manipulated by anyone.

"I already gave you so many chances Pawaret, but those are over. I let you have your free will, well, we both know I could never use my power against you. But you didn't seem to remember that your friends were not immune to my power, and you could never protect them all at all times."

"Why are you doing this?" He asked again feeling defeated and gradually feeling the lost.

"Really Pawaret? We're two beans of the same pod. Just like you I know what's good for everyone. I will make this country great."

"What?" He doesn't understand. How could he be like someone as evil as the Director. "What do you mean?"

"Wave is just my beginning. I need his potential to do great things, we will start with creating gifted students. When every school of this country has developed gifted students, it would be easy for me to manipulate them all and with them I could control this country."

"That's... Insane... You're crazy... You will manipulate all of the gifted person to do your biddings? To do what? Declare war? Invade other countries?"

"Pawaret... I'm not that ambitious...but open your eyes... Look around... There are lots of people protesting against the government... Lots of rallies ... Of protests ... Of sufferings ... Of deaths... Wouldn't it be nice for everyone if I could just stop the protests with just my words? Let them obey me to keep peace and order, no more protests, no more sufferings, no more deaths"

" You're kidding! "Pang looked at the Director, as if he can't believe what he is talking about." You will take away their free will... You can't do that... You're not god."

"It would be easier if you're with me... But it's fine.... I have your boyfriend here... One wrong move and he would suffer... How much suffering do you think he could take? Once I order him to do bad things for me... Do you think he could take it? or would he succumb to guilt and destruct himself? I have so many plans for him, he could hack the most impregnable system, he could look for anyone's information, secrets that we could use, he could eaily see what's happening in every place, imagine the great thing that he could accomplish with my manipulation. "

" No... No... Don't do that please... Wave he would never want that... Please... Don't let him do that
I will do what you want... "

" Really? Pawaret? "Director Supot laughed maniacally." You love him so much you're willing to be the devil? "

The Director then went closer to Pang, he wasn't expecting that the boy he thought he had a control with, would act on his own. The Director moving closer to Pang and leave his back unguarded, that is all Wave needs to act in his will. He get the syringe with the virus from his pocket and stab the Director with it at the nape of his neck.

Both Pang and the Director was surprised to see what Wave did. Pang on his weaken state was sweating so hard and trying his best not to faint, but he felt so weak, thankfully we was caught by Wave before he reached the floor.

The Gifted and the LosersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora