Letting Out Everything I Kept

Start from the beginning

"seriously thats what you're going to ask me? aren't you gonna greet me first??" nayeon said with full bitchy attitude

"sorry..i i-im not really expecting you'll come b-by" jeongyeon stuttered

"seriously tell me, why do you always seem to be nervous around me? if this is about what we had before? please set it aside. be professional" nayeon seriously said then looked over to jeongyeon with no expression at all

"s-sorry...i-im just worried, but thank you for clarifying" jeongyeon bowed a bit

"i am here to check on you since your lawyer had told me that you have been restricted to come over my company, so... are you doing fine??" nayeon asked, trying to stay professional

"i am doing fine... thank you for checking on me" jeongyeon immediately looked away soon as he answered

"by the way... im also here to apologize on behalf of siwon's actions towards you and aside from that i just knew that my sister had a huge debt from you before so i am here to pay it all, so i dont owe you anything anymore" nayeon finally settled her intentions then took out her check book

but jeongyeon stopped her by placing his hand to her check book then said

"that debt was already been settled by your father years ago by putting it in to the foundation we had established" jeongyeon finally got his professionalism back and immediately removed his hand from nayeon's check book

"and about siwon's actions... please dont be worried about it anymore, its all fine to me! again, i should've known my place at first. sorry for causing too much damages between you and him, truly i am" jeongyeon smiled faintly and lowered his head not long after

"can i ask something??" nayeon suddenly became gentle

jeongyeon looked up with a weary eyes then faced nayeon to give her a nod

"why do you keep on apologizing back, when in the first place siwon did something beyond to you? you even told your lawyer to set aside the charges placed to siwon. why??" nayeon asked without giving any expression to her face then leaned back to the couch

"lets just say that what i did is something bigger than what he did, thats why im repaying?" jeongyeon then stared at nayeon with his trembling lips pressed together

"oh... so you're still guilty of what you did? wow im impressed that you are" nayeon chuckled making jeongyeon go lower his head

even if he wants to defend himself, he cant. how can he defend himself when he was the one committed a mistake? its clear to him that he should be the one to lower his ego.

"yes.. so please, avoid me before i cause you another trouble again" jeongyeon's shaky voiced cracked making nayeon to crease her forehead

"i can't believe you're acting the victim card right now, seriously! how do you act being kind when you're not??" nayeon finally stepped out her line and started to question jeongyeon

"acting like you're the gentle one and who was taken advantage? seriously it cringes me. stop it" nayeon said with sulking laugh

"stop" jeongyeon calmly stated but all nayeon did was laugh at him more

"wae? feeling guilty??" nayeon questioned with a laugh

"I SAID STOP!" jeongyeon finally reached his peak and couldn't handle the sting in his heart

he slammed the mini-tabled inbetween them, jeongyeon clearly lost his temper making nayeon go fear him. this is the very first time she had seen him angry, and she's seriously shivering in fear.

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