In The Land Of Waves

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Through the rising mist, Sakura could just about make out the outline of Kakashi facing down Zabuza. The tingle of chakra seeping into her pores alerted her of the jutsu causing the artificial fog. It was a clever tactic to use against a Sharingan user - fogging up the surroundings would make it impossible to use the Sharingan, effectively getting rid of the only real advantage Kakashi had. Considering he was also a shinobi from the Mist, he was likely also able to see through the mist which would give an advantage over Kakashi. If this wasn't life or death, she would've applauded his strategy.

"Eight choices," Zabuza's voice echoed into Sakura's ears. The most she could pinpoint the origin of it was to the lake where he dived in but that could've just as easily been the placebo effect. In addition, Zabuza was cloaking his chakra signature which explained why she was receiving no transmission. "Liver, lungs, spine, subclavian vein, the jugular vein, brain, kidneys, heart... Which one do I go for this time?" Automatically, her arms morphed to shield as much of her body as possible.

The weight of the air was suffocating and the more time passed by, the harder it was for her to breathe - it was as if she was inhaling water in place of air - and killing intent only thickened it. Adrenaline was now coursing through her. Her muscles shook fervently. Her heart pounded so much she could feel it in the throat. She was sweating profusely. She wasn't the only one since she could feel Sasuke shaking besides her. Reaching for his trembling hand, she forced the kunai away from his stomach and twisted it so he was on defence. Heat-of-the-moment suicide wouldn't be good for anyone.

"Sasuke, don't worry," Kakashi said. "I'll protect you. I don't allow my comrades to die."

"Oh, I don't know about that."

Zabuza landed behind them, somehow in the triangle her and her teammates had formed around Tazuna, with his blade angled for the kill. In a split second, Kakashi had Zabuza impaled on a kunai. How it was possible for people to move so quickly, she had no idea but the force with which Kakashi darted quite literally blew them all away so that they were all on the ground, with herself conveniently right next to Tazuna.

Zabuza himself was now bleeding water which gave away the fact that it was a clone. Another Zabuza (another clone? Or the real thing?) apparated behind Kakashi close enough that he was visible through the mist. Naruto shrieked for Kakashi's attention to no avail as Zabuza's sword sliced through him like a hot knife through butter. What gushed out of Kakashi's severed torso, however, was not blood - it was water. Zabuza must've been close enough for the Sharingan to predict his movements and copy them. By now, she should've expected such a move.

In turn, it was Kakashi, Sharingan blazing, who appeared behind Zabuza with a kunai to his throat, besides the infamously delicate jugular vein. It looked like a checkmate situation, but she knew Zabuza wasn't S-ranked for nothing and so she kept her guard firmly up.

"Don't move," Kakashi gritted out. "It's over." Sakura wished he would just get it over with and slit Zabuza's throat already.

"Oh, you're good at this. From the beginning, you were a clone, weren't you and you hid yourself so you could find out what I was doing. You succeeded in distracting me. But, I'm no fool."

Zabuza dissolved into water as another appeared behind Kakashi. The sword soared over Kakashi's head and into the earth. Using the hilt to propel himself, Zabuza kicked Kakashi into the lake. Sakura's breath hitched in her throat. The three genin had now made it back together and surrounded Tazuna. She could hear the sound of her blood rushing in her ears. Her kunai wavered in her grip as she attempted to slow her breathing. If it came down to it, she would have to hold her own against a jounin and she needed to be ready. Running through battle strategy in her head, she focused her eyes on the enemy and observed.

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