Some of the seniors in this room group cheered and clapped, lifting the mood of all the tired and exhausted students from strenuous studying and preparation. He said some words of encouragement to them, hyping them up and getting them excited while I glanced at Ben and noticed his head buried in his arms, head angled to face behind us. Sneaking a glimpse back, I realized his eyes were totally locked with Treys!

Whatever was going on, it was really going on now! Seems like Ikeisha was well and truly out for the count now, poor girl. But well, she'd get herself an exemplary model student love interest, both in academics and in looks. For now, her own brother steals would-be man. I almost chuckled.

"...And as for you year eleven's heading into your final year," Mr. Hardy continued, bringing me out of my daze, "today is the day you hand back your Uni Prep cards. You've had a little over two weeks to have a good think and get a sort... picture in your head about where you might see yourself after graduating next year.

And I know it may not feel like it's been long enough, I get it. It's stressful. But it's only to help us establish guidelines for next year. You'll have access to career counselling, course changes, and all sorts. It'll be a whole new world for you, I promise."

The class broke into whispers while we pulled out our prep cards. Wracked with nerves, my heart palpitated under the pressure. I know he literally just said it's no pressure, but that only added more to the mix. Since our whispers turned into talking, and the talking turned into bustling chaos, Tom pulled our attention back to him.

"Alright, alright. I'll give you guys till the end of the lesson to make any final touches, but you have to hand them over before you leave that door. Got it?"

We all agreed. I heard Ben's name being called from behind us, knowing full well without turning that it was Trey's voice. Ben dragged himself from his seat and went over, leaving the space empty beside me. I pulled out my card and stared it. Five top options for universities, and five top prospective career goals.

Well, it turns out I only needed one for either side. It didn't matter what Bachelor I chose; I would pick the most interesting one at any university that Aubrey attended. That was my only requirement. Aubrey was my passion, something and someone I could pursue for years and years. And my one and only career goal was-

"What'd you put down?" Aubrey said from beside me. My hand immediately snapped over my card, pulling it towards me with lightning speed. It startled Aubrey, making him look at me with shock. "Oh um, sorry...?"

"Huh?" Shocked at myself, and shocked at his response, I didn't know what to say. "Oh, um... what did you choose?" I asked, hoping to change the topic. I didn't want him to see my card when it was basically just all about him.

He'd think I'm ridiculous and desperate. What if he thought I'm creepy? We were so young that he might think it's scary or something. The thought created a dull ache in my chest, one that I really didn't need right before presentation. The real issue at hand right now was the serious look of hurt on Aubrey's face.

He was too beautiful to look hurt. I'd have to fix this somehow without giving myself a way. For now, I just needed to take his mind off it.

"What about yours?" I asked, nodding towards the card he was fiddling with in his hands. He looked a little despondent at this point, driving me to the point of insanity. If I could just handle this for another ten minutes before our poetry presentations began at first period, this'd blow over in no time.

I was just so weak for him.

"Um, I put psychologist," he said, looking down at his card awkwardly.

"Psychologist?" I repeated, not sure I believed my own ears. I'm not sure what I expected from Aubrey Keats, but this took me by the most pleasant surprise. Maybe it's 'cause I've never heard him talking about his future, and yet this aspiration was so big and so bright. It suited him more than I could believe.

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