Chapter 23

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Annyeonghaseyo! How is everyone? I hope y'all are doing well. I know some of you reading my books, have online classes. All I'm telling you is have a short break once in a while. That's all! Enjoy!

Xander's POV
I'm the first to wake up so I go down to cook for us. I still can't forget what Anna told me yesterday. I was outrage when Anna told me what her father did. How can someone do that to there own daughter?! She was crying yesterday and I can't do anything. I just rub her back while thinking of different ways to torture her father. I decided to open my phone and call Aaron. "What's up, brother?" He cheerfully greet. "I want you to get Anna's father" I said in my low and dangerous voice. "Why? Did something happened?" He ask. "I know what he did and I can't ignore this anymore. He will fucking pay" I said with venom in my voice.

"Okay...on it. I will tell you if we got him" he hang up and I continue cooking for my princess.

I'm almost done when I feel her eyes on me. I knew she's checking me out, so I said, "non fissarmi così, potrei portarti qui, proprio ora"

She ask me what did that mean but I answered nothing. I don't want her knowing what I just said.

"I'm almost done, can you set the table?" She nod and quickly set the table. We eat peacefully and decided to go to the beach.

We rode the jetski until sunset and watch the sky in the shoreline. When it gets chilly, we go inside and clean ourselves.

I was changing my clothes when I heard the door close. As I was suppose to go and follow her, but my phone rings. "You have him?" I answered. "No hellos? And to answer your question, yes" he sarcastically said. "good" I smiled, "shall I put him in the basement of our warehouse?" He ask, with a hint of menace in his voice. Not to me but to Anna's father. I know that Aaron is close to Anna, he treats her like his big sister. I texted him a while ago and tell him what happened. "sì, mettilo in uno dei nostri scantinati...Don't let him escape" I hang up and open the door to see Anna.

I ask her if we can talk, she said that we should eat first. After eating, we went upstairs to our room to talk.

She sits on the bed and I'm standing in front of her. "I know you overheard what I said on the phone, do you have any idea what is it about?" She think before answering, "Is it about your business?"

"Kind off but's about your..." I take a deep breath and said, "your father"

Anna's POV
I gulped when I heard what he said. "W-what about him?" I nervously said.

"Do you know how furious I am from what you told me yesterday? I don't want to see you cry, it's breaking me. He should pay from what he did to you!" He said, I can see how furious he is. His eyes can burn a hole on the wall from how he glares at it. I'm glad his glare is not for me.

"I want you to know that he's in one of my basements" I look at him with a nonchalant look. "Do I look like I care about him? But May I ask, what are you going to do to make him pay from what he did?"

He grin wickedly, "well, a little torture would do"

I just shake my head and decided to sleep, I'm so sleepy anyway. "Are you going to sleep now?" He pull the covers and lay beside me. "Yes, I'm just tired and I want to rest" I cuddle with him and not long after I fall asleep with the last word he said, 'goodnight, bella'.

I wake up with the sound of shower going off then Xander came out with a towel dangerously low on his waist. Gosh! Those abs! The way the water droplets trickle down on his abs, it makes me want to- WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING! I blush and look away when I came back to my senses. Gosh what is that?

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