Chapter 11

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Hello! I hope you have a nice day everyone! Enjoy the chapter!

Btw, this are the new characters. You are free to imagine who do you think they are but for me this is them. And this pictures are not mine.

(This is Aaliyah Leslie Gálvez short for Ali)

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(This is Aaliyah Leslie Gálvez short for Ali)

(This is Aaliyah Leslie Gálvez short for Ali)

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(This is Leila Allegra Gálvez short for Lei)

Xander's POV
I head to my office thinking what Adrianna tell me a while ago.

"We protected her but it seems like she's use to it. She don't care!"

I need to find more about her, I really want to know what happen to her past. But how? I don't want to scare or hurt her.

Anna's POV
After resting, I did all my homework and decided to explore the house since it's still early.

So I walk out and walk around the mansion. It's really beautiful, I want a big house like this with mom and dad but that's impossible to happen.

I walk out the small balcony and look up at the sky. "It's so beautiful..."

"Yeah.."I turn around wide eyed, "I'm sorry, did I startled you?"

"It's fine" I look back at the night sky. We stand in silence, just admiring the stars.

"Anna, can I ask you something?" He ask, a bit hesitant. "Go ahead"

"Umm..Can we go out? Like for a cup of coffee?" He ask nervously. I look at him in shock. " I the one who you're asking?"

"Yeah I mean, you're the only person here besides me" he said joking. "Right...but why me? Why not Georgia? She's beautiful than me..." I reasoned. "Shhh...don't say that. You're beautiful and I don't like Georgia, I like you" I froze. What?! He like me, "did I heard you right? You like me?" He nod and smile at me.

Should I agree? Should I give him a chance? What if he hurt me? They're are so many questions in my head but I decided to give him a chance.

"Okay" I said as my cheeks reddened. "Really? Thank you!" He shouts ecstatic.

After he calm down, he held my hand and we go downstairs together.

When we enter the dining area, I take my hand in his and take a sit.

We eat in silence and enjoy our food. "Brother, I need to talk to you" Aaron said. "Okay talk now" He said not looking at him. "It's kind of private, I think it's better we just talk in your office"

"Okay, excuse us....Aaron, come in my office" then he walk off and Aaron follow him.

We continue eating and later on, we bid goodbye to each other and go to our respective rooms.

I do my night routine and sleep.

Xander's POV
I sit in my office as I wait for Aaron, and after a few minutes he knock.

"Come in" He enter and put a file in front of me. "What's this?" I ask and take the file. "You won't like what you'll hear..." I look down and it's a file about...Anna.

"What about her? I tell you to drop it. I'm just gonna ask her" I said at him.

"Brother, I'm sorry but you have to know this. Hear me out, please" Aaron said. "Fine, what is it?"

"As we know Anna has a father, his name is Christian Magnus Francois. You're probably wondering, why Anna didn't tell us about him, right?" I nod at him.

"Ready yourself, brother. You won't like what I'm about to tell you"

"I dig deeper about her and found out that the day we find her, was the day she was running away from him...she was abuse by him" when he say that, I feel my heart break. How the hell...

"Her father beat her multiple times and worse rape her, I don't know. I found out about this cause if you watch the cctv, you'll hear her screams but no one save her. Not only that but the school that you enrolled her in is her old school where she is getting bullied everyday by Tiffany, Alfonzo's sister" did she managed to survive that? I wanna kill everyone who hurt her. How dare they hurt someone so pure and innocent?

I don't know but after hearing all this, it just made me admire her even more. She's so brave!

"Brother!" I snap out of my thoughts and look at him. "Why are you smiling at the same time, you look like you wanna kill someone"

"I want you to find her father and follow him. I want you to gather every information you find about him, now go!" He nods and walk out. just make me admire you more. Such a brave, Queen...

This is a short chapter but I just wanna say thank u to everyone. Thank u for reading my book/s, I love y'all!

By the way I my not update often but blame online class. Now, we have a test coming up so yeah I'm gonna be busy.
Love lots!😘

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