Chapter 20

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Another day, another update! What's up, guys! I hope everyone is having a good day. Enjoy the chapter!

Anna's POV
We arrived in what seems like Italy? "Are we in Italy?" I ask. "Yes but this is not our final destination, we have somewhere to go after this" what? this is not it?

"Come on, I'm gonna tour you around Italy then we'll go to the final destination that I'm talking about" I take his hand and we walk towards a helicopter. "Ummm..we are riding that?"

"Yes, why? are you scared of heights?" He ask. "No, I'm scared of falling"

"That's fine, I'm here. I won't let you fall. Come on" we ride the helicopter and after a few minutes it began to fly.

I close my eye scared to even look down. "Hey, look at me" he hold the hand that are covering my face and make me look at his eye. "It's gonna be fine. I'm here" I calm down to his words and finally look down.

Wow! This is beautiful! We can see everything from up here! I can see the houses and people that are busy roaming around. I never thought that flying a helicopter to tour around Italy is this fun.

We fly around and at the end of the day, I see every part of Italy. This is the best date ever!

"Are you happy?" He ask all of the sudden. "Of course! This is the best date that anyone could ask for. Thank you!" I kiss him and before he can kiss back, I pull away and lay my head in his chest. After a few minutes I fall asleep.

I wake up when I feel someone put me down on a soft mattress. "Xander?"

"Sí, gattina?" He put me down and sit beside me. I sit up and look around. This is a beautiful room, but where are we?

"You're probably wondering, where are we?" He read my mind. I just nod and look at him expecting an answer.

"We are in my private island" WHAT?! Private Island?! My eyes grew wide, why didn't I see that coming? I know his rich and all but a private island, Wow...

"You have a private island?" He nods like it was nothing. I just shake my head and decided to go to the bathroom and change but then I don't know where is my clothes.

"It's in the closet" Is he a mind reader? I walk towards to what seems like a closet and open it. Wow, this is big! I pick a black shirt from his closet and a shorts on mine.

I walk to the bathroom and do my business. I walk out to see him laying in the bed.

"Can you tour me around the house?" I want to see the house, plus if I'm gonna cook I need to know where the kitchen is.

"5 minutes" was all he said. I walk towards him and hug him. We stay like that for 5 minutes, then he finally tour me around.

The property is big and at the middle of the island is the mansion, yup you heard me right, mansion. He said that he will tour me tomorrow outside the house but for now just the inside.

He show me where the kitchen, living room and dining area is. Everything is very modern but not grand. The house is made of wood, bricks and cement. It's like a barn. It feels homey and warm. I love it!

 I love it!

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We are currently laying down on our bed, watching tv

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We are currently laying down on our bed, watching tv. "Can we go for a swim?" I want to go to the beach and swim. It's been a long time since I last swim in either a pool or beach.

"Sure, go and change" I walk towards the closet and look around to find something to where.

I find a black crisscross plunge one piece and I put a white T-shirt to cover it up. I walk out to see him ready.

"Come on" we walk out hand by hand and near the water

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"Come on" we walk out hand by hand and near the water. I slowly walk towards it and it's cold but I keep on going until the water is on my waist.

I turn around to look at Xander but he's no where to be found, "Xan- ahhhh!" I Xander lift me up and carry me to go to the shallow part of the water. "I'm gonna tell you now, I can't swim" I hold on to his neck tightly scared that he might drop me. "Don't worry, I'm here. I'm not gonna drop you"

He stop and just hold me while looking at the night sky. It's so beautiful, it's full of stars and the full moon adds to it. I want to stay like this.

After a few minutes, I break the silence. "This is my first time in years to finally swim in the beach" I said thoughtfully. "We used to always go to pools and beaches but all that stop when my mother left"

"Then why not you and your father go to beach without your mother?" He ask. I quickly make a lie, "Because h-he's always at work to make money for my s-school" I know he didn't believe me but he didn't push it and I'm glad he didn't.

We stay like that until I tell him to go a bit closer to the shoreline. We sit in the sand but the water still cover half of our body.

"Tomorrow, I want you to see the waterfall here" he said. "What? you have a waterfall here?" He nods and put his head at my chest. I comb his hair by my hands. "Why did you buy this private island?" I'm curious, I mean he have a big house at America and I bet in Italy too, so why buy this?

"This is the place where I can be alone. It's like my safe place, I don't often go here because of the business but when I do, I feel like I can do what ever I want to without watching my back all the time. I feel relax here and now that you're here I feel happy" I kiss his head and decided to go back.

We enter the room and the first thing I did is clean myself up and do my night routine. After that he goes in while I lay down and play with my phone, yes my phone. He bought me one, even though I don't want to.

I see him walk out and lay beside me. "Goodnight, gattina" he kiss my forehead and we immediately fell asleep.

Hello! Our sembreak is coming up and I can't wait to finally rest. I will update, of course and do nothing for the whole day. I'm so looking forward to it. I hope you love the chapter, love lots!😘💜

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