Chapter 21

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How is everyone? I hope everyone is having a great day. Enjoy!

Anna's POV
We are currently on our way to the falls that Xander is talking about. I'm not gonna lie, I'm excited about it.

"We're here!" He holds my hand and lead us to a part where the rocks is flat and set down our things.

I look around and I was mesmerize by the beauty of it. The water is so clear that you can see the rocks below. There so many trees and flowers surrounding us, making it look beautiful. The way the water cascade's stunning.

"Do you like it?" I just nod, speechless by the beauty in front of me.
"How did you find this place?" I ask, interested. "When I buy this island, I decided to go exploring and I find a lot of beautiful places here. I just stumbled upon this, since then I would always go here when I'm on the island"

"How much is this island cost you?" I mean, I know it's expensive but I really want to know the exact numbers. "$900000 just the island itself" my jaw drop at the price.

"Come on, let's go for a swim" he jump in the water but walk slowly until my feet touch the rocks below. I play for quite a bit until I notice that Xander is nowhere to be found. "Xander!" I called out but no one answered. I started getting nervous, "Xander!"

Where did he go? "Xander, where a- AAAHHHHH!" I feel someone pull me down the water and turn me around. I look who is it and it's him. "How dare you-" he kiss me to shut me up.

I slowly put my hands down and wrap them around his neck. I feel him slowly push me to a rock and pull me much closer if that is even possible.
Soon, we are having a hot make out session.

Our hands keep roaming around each other's body, mine on his hair and his on my waist. He lick my lips asking for entrance but I ignore it. I continue kissing him and when I need to breathe, I pull away but he keep going down.

He left open-mouth kisses on my neck which erupted a moan from me. "Ahh.." I lean my head to the side to give him more access and pull him closer to my neck. He started getting close to my breast and I close my eyes just feeling the pleasure that his doing. When I open my eyes I see my father in front of me, "Do you like this? Huh?" He ask while grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Stop, no!" I started tearing up. "Father, no please!" He touch my head and I instinctively flinch. "Get away from me! " I started swimming away from him but he catch up to me and hug me. "Leave me alone, father!" I tried getting away from his hold but his so strong. I just bury my head in my hands and cry.

"Anna! What the hell is happening?! Are you okay?!" When I look up I see Xander. I hug him, glad to see him. I look around for my father but he is nowhere to be found. "What happened? Why are you shouting your father?"

I ignore his question and ask, "Is he here? Where is he?"

"Look at me and take a deep breath" I look at his eyes and follow what he's saying. "Your father is not here, it's just you and I. Now tell me, why are you so scared?" I calm down a little but tense again to his question.

Oh my god! He knew! What should I do? I started panicking and hyperventilating. "Hey, shhh! Inhale, exhale" I follow what he's doing and after a few minutes I calm down.

We sit there in silence until I broke it, "let's talk but not here" we both stand up and started walking back to the mansion.

I can't concentrate at where are we going because all in my mind right now is the fact that I'm gonna tell him my story, but I'm scared. What if he judge me? What if he look at me differently after what I'm gonna tell him? What if he leaves me? There are so many what if's in my mind. I don't know what to do.

We arrive at the mansion and I ran to the bathroom to clean myself. I look at myself in the mirror, my face is red from crying. Why did I suddenly remember him when I'm with Xander? I want to forget him but i can't. Why? I don't know! I tear fell from my eyes followed by another one until I'm crying. I hate him for making me feel this way. I'm disgusted with myself but Xander make that all go away. I have a lot of insecurities but Xander make me feel like all those didn't matter at all.

I'm interrupted when I heard knocking, "Is everything okay? You've been in there for 20 minutes" I finish what I'm doing and go out.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" I nod and hug him. He lift me up and walk us to the bed.

We stay silent until I speak, "Before my mother leave me and my father, everything is perfect. We would always go out to the park and play. We would always go to the beach and malls. My father was very kind, loving and caring man. He's the perfect father that anyone could ask for" I started tearing up but I ignore it.

"He started hurting me, few months after my mother left. At first it was not so bad but as time went on, it got worse. He takes me to the basement to use weapons. He would leave scars after scars. If I didn't obey in his orders or I didn't do it on time, he would hurt me" he pull me to his lap and rub my arm up and down.

"I don't know why he still funded my education but I'm thankful for that. One day, he started acting weird. He ask me to come home soon, and I just shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he want me to clean the house or something. I came home early that day because everyone threw their food at me, saying that I'm worthless...slut and many more things. When I enter the house, he ask me why so early. I answered honestly and tell him what happened"

"He said that I should clean up and rest, it's strange but I obeyed. I hope that he will change and that moment I think he is. But I was fooled, I was asleep when I feel him lay behind me. He hug me and I thought he was cuddling with me. I was his daughter so I still trust him even though he's hurting me. Then he k-kiss my n-neck and my
c-cheeks. I froze, I don't know what to do, I stay still and stay silent. I was afraid he might hurt me. He keep doing that until he
h-hold my h-hips and g-grind on me. I feel so disgusted at myself that time. He finish off be-behind me, moaning my mother's name" I'm sobbing at this point but I don't care. I don't want to look at him either, I'm scared to see his reaction.

"Now tell me, do you still want me? I'm disgusting, ugly and broken! I don't even like myself, it's okay if you want to leave me. I'll understand" I stand up and walk away but he hold my wrist.

"What are talking about? I'm not going to leave you. You're not disgusting and ugly. If you're broken then let me fix you. I'm here, I'll help you. Let me be your crying-shoulder, your pillar or anything you want" he sincerely said walking towards me and hugging me. I cried on his shoulder and stay like that. I don't know what did I do to deserve a man like him. He's everything I want from a man.

"Thank you..." I said when I started sobering up. "For what?" He softly ask while playing with my hair.

"For making me feel special, for understanding me, for staying by my side" I look up at him and smiled. "I should be the one thanking you" I raise my eyebrow at him. "And why is that?"

"You give light to my life and the mansion is much more happier when you came. You change me to become a better man" I kiss his cheeks and lay back at his chest. I yawn and he notice it. "Let's sleep, you need to rest" we lay down with my head at his chest, his arms around me and mine around his waist. "Goodnight, amore"

"Goodnight..." I fell asleep listening to his beating heart.

Its sembreak! Yehey! What do you think? She finally open up! Anyways, I hope you like it. Love lots!😘💜

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