Chapter 4

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Write to express not impress

Xander's POV
I watch as the doctor examined her. She look so beautiful, so perfect. I wonder, what is she doing at the alley? It's dangerous.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the door burst open. "ALEXANDER! You better tell me what happen?" My mom whisper-yell at me.

"I didn't do anything, I just find her and she collapsed but before she hit the floor, I catch her" I explained to her, my mom is scary when she's mad. Last time, she pinched Aaron's ear because he didn't come to Addie's dancing contest. And let me tell you his face is red as a tomato, but I know she love us.

"Don, Mrs.Harrington, she-she...." our doctor Blake seem hesitant.

"What is it?" I ask a little worried. Okay, where did that came from?
I can't have feelings for her, she's too perfect for my world.

"She...she has a lot of bruises and wounds around her body. Some are healing some are still fresh. There are scars all around her body too. She's so thin and malnourish, probably didn't eat for a month or weeks. She has a lot of broken bones. I can feel it, because when you touch her you could feel her bones. I can tell that she took a lot of beating. She my have a concussion when she wakes up" he finish but he look at me, "Xander, I'm saying this because the little girl go through a lot. Please don't hurt her, take care of her." With that he left.

I look at the little beauty at the bed and wonder why on earth anyone would hurt such an innocent soul.

I walk towards her and sit beside her. "I will protect you princess" then I kiss her forehead.
What ever I'm feeling towards her, it sure feels weird and unfamiliar but it's good.

Anna's POV
I woke up in a different room. I quickly sit up and immediately hate it when I feel my head aching. I scream out loud, it hurts so much. The door slam open and I feel a hand pushing me to lay down, "Sweetheart, you need to take it easy"

I look up and I saw a very handsome and sexy man. Who is he? I back away from him and whimpered, "who are you?" I ask with my eyes looking down.

"I'm Alexander" he said. "Where am I? And why am I here?" I ask quietly, afraid if I raise my voice he will slap or punch me.

"You're at my house. I saw you collapse so I brought you here and let the family doctor to check you up"

"Thank you, but I need to go" I said nervously.

"What?! No! It's dangerous out there" he shouted, standing up. I flinch and cry, is he mad at me? What did I do wrong?

He saw me and instantly his eyes softened, "I'm sorry, but it's dangerous out there or if you want I can drive you to your house"

I look away, "I don't have a house" I said whispering that only I could hear but the room is too quiet so he heard me.

"You can stay here" he offers. "But I don't have money to pay you" I said. Wait! I can work for him.

"Or I can work for you. I can be a maid"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "you don't have to work for me"

"But I want to, this way I can pay you"

"Okay fine but you're sleeping here and what's your name, sweetheart?" He ask while smiling.

"Annalyse" I said softly. "Annalyse....what a beautiful name"

"Thank you" I look down and hide my blush. "Do you wanna eat?"

I smile at him,"That would be nice"

He stand up and offer his hand on mine, I hesitate a little but take his hand. He pull me up and led me downstairs. We arrive in what look like a kitchen and he make me sit in the stool but I refuse and said that I will cook for us. He finally give in after pleading him to let me.

I cook lasagna and make some Cannoli. I always like Italian food even though I'm not Italian. I place a plate in front of him and make mine. We sit beside each other and eat quietly. It didn't last long because he began talking, "What is your full name?"

I look at him and down my food, "Annalyse Rose Francois, what's yours?"

"Alexander Paul Harrington, where did you learn to cook?"

"My mom, we both love Italian food even though we're not Italian" I smile, remembering how we laugh and tell stories while cooking. Those days are the best and I miss them, I miss her. She's my rock and she's always there for me when dad is working. Where ever you are mom, I love you.

I didn't notice I was crying until Alexander wipe it away. "Why are you crying? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, I just miss my mom" I smile at him and change the topic. "Do you have brothers or sisters?"

"Yes-" I hear voices slowly getting louder, then a girl younger than me show up, "Hello brother! Who do we have here?" She said looking at me. "Adrianna this is Annalyse and Annalyse this is my sister, Adrianna" He said pointing to her.

"Hello" then I bow my head, trying not to look at her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't bite" I look up and study her. She's beautiful, Big brown eyes, an hourglass body, small face, plump lips. She's beautiful than me. I would never be like her.

"So,how old are you?" She ask, "I'm 19"

"Do you like shopping?" She ask, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Not really, but I can handle" I ask, confuse why would she ask me that? I expect her to ask me to do things for her.

"Good, cause finally I have someone other than bodyguards following me around" she said walking towards me and putting her arms around my shoulder. I flinch and hold back a scream when I feel her touch my wounds from the whipping a few days ago.

"Hey is something wrong?" She ask taking her arms away from me.

"Yeah, why are you nice to me?" I ask.

"Well, why wouldn't I? You've done nothing wrong" she replied confuse on why would I ask a question like that.

"I'm use to people treating me like a trash" I said nonchalantly.

I walk behind the counter, "Do you want some lasagna and Cannoli?"

"Sure, what do you mean by treating you like a trash?" She ask looking at the food.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it" I place the food in front of her and go back to my sit beside Alexander.

Thank you for reading the chapter and I'm sorry, I'm not good at details but I try my best. Love u lots!😘

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