Break Up

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"Jay, please let me expla-"

"No," The brunette cut his ex-girlfriend of with a sharp tone, while he squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that the tears of pain and the feeling of betryal weren't visible to the woman. He took a shaky breath and clenched his fists. "No, Nya. I'm sick of this."

The monotone feeling in his voice made it clear to Nya that she had screwed up. He never uses a monotone voice, it's akways his happy one, the one that seems to brighten up anyones day. But it's like it was replaced. Replaced with a hurt and defeated one, one that had given up on trying to be happy all the time. One that had given up in general.

Nya stayed silent and kept her distance away from Jay, her eyes darting all over him in a concerned manner.

The Lightning Master relaxed his shoulders and sunk his head down. "I'm sick of you. You say ypu love me then you go and fucking hang out with Cole like I wouldn't notice!" Ever word that leapt out of his mouth eventually became louder as he turned around and looked at Nya with a hurtful glare. "I'm not stupid, Nya. I'm not what you think I am."

The Samurai stammered as she tried to speak her mind, but with the way Jay was acting put her off, and made her sound extremely fake. When in reality, whatever Jay's saying isn't true.

"J-Jay you have to listen to me, I-" She cut herself off this time as she saw the ninja in front of her cross his arms and raise an impatient and angry eyebrow. However, the facial features softened once the room became quiet. The silence was becoming louder, rising by the second. Just like Jay's heart shattering. he couldn't take this for much longer.

"Why do I have to listen to you?! From the day we started this job, it's been 'boundries, boundries, boundries.'" He retorted, using quotation marks to highlight and intimate the 'boundries' part. "You never think of anyone other than yourself."

Nya felt a lump expanding in her throat as tears came into her eyes. She had never told anyone the true reason why she used boundries. Up until they became teachers, before they turned 18, Nya was fine with hugs and kisses on the cheek. But..after haviing 10 year olds crush on her, and nightmare after nightmare, it got worse. It felt weird to be touched by someone you love, so she talked about it to Jay and they both agreed on it; it would just take Jay some time.

Just as the woman was going to say something, Jay raised his voice again.

"I don't wanna hear it anymore." He mumbled, a few tears rolling down his pale cheeks and onto his jumper. "I don't wanna hear these half-baked, shitty apoligies and excuses from you anymore."

"If you want Cole so fucking bad.." Nya shook her head at that starter, but it didn't seem to stop the boy.

Nya didn't want Cole, nor Jay. She wanted Jay before, but after seeing how much they fought for her, it made her uncomfortable. There was too much gong on in her mind. First, Zane dies, Pixal then goes missing. Then her brother, her only family member left that she knows, leaves them and doesn't even bother to write a note or go to say goodbye to Nya before he left. He just..left. And the only person that had seen him since was Garmadon, but Kai didn't wanna talk to him.

Now Lloyd's struggling with it all, and Nya's trying to comfort him. But adding on the shitty love triangle that all started because a bunch of primary school kids dared her to go onto a matchmaker machine, thinking it would be Jay. But no, it was Cole.

The two were like siblings before. They always hung out when they were board, and they were both more talented on the creative side, so they did a lot together in that department. Their bomd was just like her and her brother's, when she had a bond with him.

"..Then you can go and bed him for all I care anymore. Y'know why? I'm leaving."

If anything that Nya just mentioned in her mind didn't shatter her heart enought, this did.

Jay can't leave! The team needs him, Nya needs him. Heck, even deep down she bets Cole needs him too!

But the first part is what made Nya feel sick. She doesnt want to bed anyone! Not at the moment, and not for a while, anyway.

"W-wait- no- I.."

The man with freckles grabbed his phone and keys, slinging is bag over his shoulder. He looked into the eyes of his former love and sighed.

"Goodbye, Nya."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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