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"Okay, so who wants to strike me down?" Jay asked, sword in hand. No one responds. He sighs. "Really, am I that annoying?" He huffs. Robin walked up to him and took the handle, just about to strike him into the green emerald. "When I say go, strike me." The male nods.

"Wait!" Skylor cut him off. Ronin put his arms back to his sides and raised an eyebrow at the red-head. The others looked confused at her. "Wait?! It's not like we have a wedding to stop!" He yells. The blue ninja just wants to save Nya, and save the world. He wants to go home and sleep. He just wants this all to be over. Even after a good sleep that lasted about 5/6 hours at his parents, he still just wanted to go home and sleep; something that he was lacking for the past few days.

"What if you don't make it out? What are we supposed to do then?" She asks. Jay sighs, and shuts his eyes tightly. Just the thought of not seeing Nya again and being trapped in that thing gave him shivers. But, if no one was to be put in it the first place - how would they get out. A tear slipped from his eyes and he looked at the others.

"If me or any of the others don't get out, I want you to go to Nya and save her, as if you're in earshot of him, you have three wishes. All you need to do if ask Nya where the tiger widow venom is, make sure he's hit by it, and wish he wasn't a djinn. His power will diminish." He takes a deep breath in. "A-And As for Nya, please just tell her that I'm so, so sorry and I love her so much. Get her out of here as quick as possible and take her to the hospital." Jay then braces himself for the impact of the sword and says his final goodbyes to his temporary team.

He breaths in.


Robin sliced the sword down, watching the blue ninja fade away into a little green spark, then the emerald in the middle of the sword flash, before turning dull.

"How close are they?" Soto asks. Dareth looks out of the window of the tiny hut, seeing a group of sky pirates jump of a mini ship. He immediately puts his head back under. "A group are coming now; and they're here for the sword."

Skylor looked at the rack of gardening tools and handed them to everyone. Rakes, shovels, watering cans, etc etc. "What are supposed to do with these?"

"Anyway possible, we have to protect the sword."


The green mess that he was just teleported to was weird, it looked like puke. Disgusted, he tries to find someone to wake up first. He spots Kai and slowly makes his way over to him. His eyes are closed and he floating under a mess of green ropes and ties.

The lightning master grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him, hoping that he would open his eyes. "Kai!" He yelled. He shook him more, and the fire elementals chocolate brown eyes opened up slowly, looking visibly tired. "Wake everyone else up!" He yelled, yawning. He nodded and Jay grabbed his wrist, guiding him to the others.

Kai and Jay then go to Zane and Cole, and shake them awake. It worked, and the four go and try to find Lloyd, Wu and Misako. The portal is closing - and they need to be fast. It wouldn't be long until they could be inevitably
trapped here, and die. Something that would be horrifying, and especially if one of their teammates were being held against her own will to say yes to someone that she barely even knows.

Jay had to save Nya, the love of life. And if they don't get out in time, she's never gonna see him again. He'll never see her again. Or anyone else for that matter. He brother, her teacher, Misako, who treated her like her daughter, and the others, and her friends. God knows how she'll react, and god knows if she's ever be okay after it. It's going to be a long day.

"Where's Wu..?" Jay asks, shaking Misako lightly. She woke up and saw that jay looked panicked, so she pointed a bit below her, and Jay went down to find Master Wu. Zane followed him. "We need to hurry..there's not much..time left.." The Nindroid said, helping the blue ninja get their Sensei. Jay's eyes watered and he shut them tightly, begging in his mind that they'd make it. If they didn't - and the others couldn't get Nya, he'd be unstoppable.

𝗷𝗮𝘆𝗮 𝗼𝗻𝗲-𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 (𝗼𝗻𝗲 - 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱)Where stories live. Discover now