Arrival to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

You ran with your head down to the nearest empty carriage and whipped the door open, clambering inside quickly. Ron, Hermione, and Harry followed suit after you gratefully. The carriage began to rumble and splash up the trail to Hogwarts Castle.

You leaned against the window to look up at the magnificent and towering castle coming closer into view. The hundreds of lights up in the castle were blurred by the thick coating of rain painted against the window.

The carriage lurched to a halt in front of the great oak front doors of the castle. You and the others in the carriage hopped down and dashed up the stone steps and into the torch-lit entrance hall.

Shivering and pulling your drenched school robes closer around you, you slipped and slid across the entrance hall into the Great Hall with everyone else packed around you. The start of term feast was always your favorite, hundreds and hundreds of golden dining wear were placed neatly on the table, illuminated by many candles hovering over the 4 house tables.

The house tables were already crowded with students chatting away with their friends excitedly; at the top of the Hall sat the staff table that faced the students.

You said goodbye to your Gryffindor friends and made your way to the Slytherin table, where you surprisingly found your friends waiting for you already. On one side sat Ramona, along with Christian Fawley, a lanky raven-haired boy with dark brown eyes. He nodded curtly to you as you made your way to the other side of the table to sit next to Alora Greengrass, a pretty, curly-headed blonde girl with dazzling green eyes.

Alora smiled up at you as you sat down next to her, her shoulder-length hair dripping water everywhere.

As soon as you sat down, the three put their heads together and kept talking urgently about the upcoming quidditch season, in which all 4 of you were players. Christian was a Beater, Alora was Seeker, and you and Ramona were Chasers. You couldn't help but smile to yourself at this quidditch season, you had improved so much after playing with Harry and the twins, who were both very good.

A cool, minty breath next to your ear made a shiver go down your spine. "Y'know, quidditch won't be going on this year ".

Your smile dropped as you turned quickly to look up at Malfoy, who was standing right behind you with his arms planted on either side of you on the table.

"Oh yeah? And why is that Malfoy?" you replied coldly, crossing your arms and glaring up at him. "You'll see soon enough", he smirked, his gaze lingering on your face another second before standing up straight and strutting off to the other end of the table.

"What did Malfoy want y/n?" Alora asked from your other side. You turned your head back to your friends and shrugged feebly. In all honesty, you couldn't tell if Malfoy was pulling your leg or not. You glanced down the table towards him and saw him whispering to Blaise Zabini, never leaving his eyes from your face.

Slightly disturbed, you turned to the staff table to see Professor McGonagall placing the same stool  down with the mangy old hat on top of it from your first year in front of the staff table.

All of a sudden, the Great Hall doors opened and a flood of drenched and sopping 1st years came sliding in towards the staff table. After all of them were settled in front of McGonagall, she unrolled a large scroll of paper and stated loudly, "When I call your name, you will put on this hat and sit on the stool. When the hat announces your House, you will go and sit at the appropriate table".

And so, the sorting ceremony began; 1st year after 1st year was sat upon the stool only to scurry off to the table the hat called out for them. You sat in a daze, wishing you could eat now, only awakening from your trance when a new Slytherin was added to your ranks.

As soon as it had started, it was done and over with; every student was sorted into their house. Professor McGonagall picked up the stool and hat and hurried out of the Great Hall as chatter started to fill the vast hall once more.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore stand up from behind the staff table and open his arms wide in welcome, a smile shown on his aged face.

"I have only two words to say to you", his voice booming throughout the Hall. "Tuck in".

The empty dishes sitting in front of you magically filled with all types of food. You quickly picked up a spoon and started scooping mashed potatoes onto your plate. You picked through the other options before your eyes and ate to your heart's content.

After dinner and a very pleasant desert, the remaining food left on the tables disappeared. Dumbledore stood up once more to make his yearly announcements. You sat up straighter to hear exactly what the news for this year would be.

"So!" Dumbledore beamed around the Hall at the students. "Now that we are all fed and watered, I must once more ask for your attention while I give out a few notices".

(thank you so so much ronweaslyrailme and liloveshp for helping me out in this chapter <33 love you both :))
also, I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, it was more of a filler chapter-
I promise that more exciting chapters will be posted asap:))

Word Count: 1659

A Hogwarts Love Story- Ron Weasley x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now