
Start from the beginning

"Arya?" I swivel my gaze to Aubrey who's stood by the door, watching me confusedly. "You look like you've just seen a ghost." She tries to laugh but I can tell my expression unsettles her. "Okay, you're scaring me now."

I don't reply. Instead I hold out my phone for her to take. I don't feel anything yet, or at least I'm convincing myself I don't.

I watch Aubrey's expression change from confusion to understanding to anger.

"The dīck." Her language shocks me. "When was this?"

"Several days ago."

"I'm so sorry, Arya. You don't deserve this."

"Don't apologise," I force a smile, but even a mirror could see right through this one. "It's normal for made men, right? To have mistresses."

I know I'm running my mouth to cover up the fact that I'm hurt. Hurt over a man. When I told myself I'd never place myself in this position again.

"That's no excuse!" Aubrey is more livid than me. "It's the 21st century, for God's sake. I'm not going to let you sit back while he treats you like shít. Get up and get dressed."

"What? Why?"

"We're going out."

I'm not one to argue for a little freedom, especially not against Aubrey, who - right now - looks like she could murder someone.

She outstretches a hand for me and I take it without second thought. After all, karma's a bitch.

*      *      *

THE BLOODLINE IS RUMOURED to be one of the hottest clubs in Sicily. By the time we'd finished getting glammed up, the sun had began to set. I feel slightly bad for Ricky who was currently lying in the backseat, passed out from the sleeping pill.

As Aubrey pulls up to the entrance, it's pitch black outside. Glancing down at my short, low cut dress once more, I feel Aubrey's gaze on me.

"You look like sex on legs, amore mia, stop stressing," I smile appreciatively. "What do you say we go in there and show he-who-shall-not-be-named that he messed with the wrong bitches?"

"Hell yeah."

The bouncer immediately recognises Aubrey as he lets her cut through to the front of the line, no questions asked. Clearly this wasn't her first time here. Her being her, she blows a kiss to the guy running his mouth because we skipped. I can't help but laugh.

I try make my way over to the bar, thinking booze right now would do me some good but Aubrey drags me towards the dance floor. "Nuh uh, sweetie, we're letting loose first."

I laugh at her rebellious attitude, knowing this is exactly why I admire her.

Aubrey's hips sway while walking as she lets the music claim her body, her hair golden under the flashing lights. I mirror her actions, allowing my body to move in sync with the thrumming beat. Losing a sense of everyone around us, I smile a genuine smile, starting to feel happier than I have in a while.

I catch the eye of a bouncer on the opposite wall and his eyes grow wide. I can tell he recognises me and I roll my eyes. Great. My husband not only seems to own Sicily, but the whole of fucking Italy too.

"You didn't tell me this was Alessandro's club!" I shout over the music and Aubrey smirks mischievously.

"How else would we give Alessandro a taste of his own medicine?"

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