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I just thought of a really cute Sam imagine and I can't even.

You have known how to knit since you were a child. Probably longer than that. While sitting and knitting scarves for the boys one day, Sam walks in. "Hey, (y/n). What are you doing."

He picks up the black yarn. It squishes in between his giant hands. "Just knitting you and Dean scarves. It gets cold while hunting I suspect." He gives you a smile and plops down next to you. The sharp clicks of the needles are the only sound in the room. You can feel his eyes watching your steady moving hands. This simple skill seems to amaze him.

"Can you teach me?" he asks with curiosity on his tongue.

"Yeah." Sam is smart and a quick learner. You pick up your green knitting needles. They are the biggest you have to fit his hands. You hand him white yarn and go over the steps with him slowly. "First, make a knot on your needle. After you've done that, wrap the yarn around your hand like this." You wrap the silky yarn around your hand twice and stick the needle under the second one.

He does struggle a bit and you fight back a giggle. This is the simplest past of it all. "(Y/n)," he whines the slightest bit, "this is hard."

"Duh, it's gonna be, you're just learning." He pouts a tiny bit. The needles look awkward in his big hands. "No, no, no. Let me show you again."


Over the next hour, he seemed to improve, so you decide to let him go off by himself. You sit there knitting rows and rows, preparing scarves for your boys. The scarf is coming to when you hear loud footsteps coming into the library. A dumbfounded Sam walks over to you.

The yarn is tangled all over his hands and a needle is jammed in too tight. A long sigh escapes your lips. "Sam. What the hell?"

He looks embarrassed. "I was trying to knit like you showed me, then something happened. My hands kinda got stuck." His huge hand is stuck out in front of him.

"Sit down." It's hard to deal with this sometimes. You start to slowly untangle his hands from the yarn. In the end, it turns out to be a complete disaster.

"Sorry," he mutters under his breath. You can't help but laugh. "That bad Uh?"


Superwholock one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora