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A Sherlock Holmes One-shot

There she is, there is your beautiful sister. As she stands there in the moonlight, the pale glow of her skin gives off a little bit of light. The trees seem dark and threatening, so you run to your big sister for safety. She holds out her hand for you, and you immediately walk to her. You guys weren't supposed to be out here anyway, but it was all your sisters idea. She wanted to go swimming at night which isn't such a swell idea once you think back to it. "Come one, (y/n), we'll be home soon. Follow me." Her blonde hair blows rapidly in the warm summer wind.

This is precious time to you. You'll be leaving to go back to London in a few days and this may be your last time to go swimming this summer.

You keep your eyes on your sister the whole time. She looks ghostly in the white dress she is currently wearing. You are so close to her that if you tripped, you'd be there. Her fingertips brush yours and then you hear that evil laugh. You look for the source and by the time you turn back around, your sister is dead. Dead as a doornail. There is that sickening laugh again. Then you wake up.

The nightmare keeps happening. Your sister has been dead for two weeks now from unknown causes and you are still dreaming about that godforsaken night. You wake up in a cold sweat and lean against your bedroom wall. The fresh sunlight is pouring through the window to your left. You decide to get up and go out because you certainly aren't going back to sleep.

You pop into decent clothes and start towards your favorite place to grab coffee. Alas, it wasn't open just yet, which isn't the best thing for a person who desperately needs coffee at 7 am on a Thursday morning. You turn right and decide to find another place. The sidewalk is already getting ready for the people going to work for the day. The newsstands are opening and shops show sleepy owners turning over open signs.

The next left is what you take to get to Bakerstreet. You've heard of a small restaurant type place that was there. You can see Speedy's written on a red hangover next to a black door with a crooked knocker. The door is nothing special, so you move on to the door under the overhang.

You step inside and an abundance of smells hit your nose all at once. It smells welcoming and delicious. "Welcome!" a burly man behind the counter booms. "Sit anywhere you like, I'll be right with you." The table near the window was open, so you sit there. While you wait for the man to come and take your order, you look out the window. People of all sorts breeze by. A man talking on his phone brisks past, probably on his way to work. A woman that is most likely pregnant walks by in a colorful dress. The many different walk by, they are carrying on with their lives. Then you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and look up to see a man wearing a dark trench coat and a blue scarf. "Oh, um hi," you say. The long-legged gentleman holds up a finger asking you to be quite and you shut right up.

"You just recently went through a break up." You start to open your mouth to say no, that you have in fact haven't when he holds up his finger again. "I can tell because you keep glancing around as if you are looking for someone. Usually when people are looking for someone it's someone they can't just call and they don't have constant security of. Also you are sitting alone at a table for two. Someone is supposed to be here." He stops. Probably for breath. How can anyone think around this asshole? He smirks as if he knows everything about you.

"Geez, do you usually harass girls early in the morning and make false assumptions about them, jackass?" He looks taken aback. "No, I haven't recently been through a break up. If you must probe, my sister was murdered recently." You stand up to go somewhere else before tears start to roll in. You turn to go, but a cold hand wraps around your wrist. Tears are forming in your eyes. "Let go of me jackass."

"Wait, I solve murders. That is my area. I can help." You turn around with tear stained cheeks and he lets go. He sits in the chair across from you and you sit.

"Okay." The tears keep coming out. You really any stop them. He notices the tears splashing down onto the table.

"Oh, crying girls. Not really my area." He pauses so you can attempt to stop. When you finally do, he speaks again. "Tell me everything."

"We were walking home late one night from swimming. Just talking and then she falls dead." You stop wondering if you should tell him this. People have told you it's your imagination playing cruel tricks. "Before and after she died I heard unforgiving laughter. It was sickening. Please help me. Everyone says it was natural causes, but it wasn't I know. It was something weird."

He stops to look at you and puts his hands under his chin. "Okay. But to help you I'm going to have to have your name first."

"(Y/n) (y/l/n). If you're going to help me, I must have your name."

"Sherlock Holmes. I live right next door. Come over so we can work some things out." He stands up and waits for you. Which is nice, considering you know where you are heading.

"Wait, Sherlock Holmes. The Sherlock Holmes?" He grins as if it's a great accomplishment. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I like jackass better." You pull your coat on and stride towards the door. Hoping to solve this soon.

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