"aren't you a little short to be a janitor." he says as he looks at hope.

"Oh we were just looking for the principles office." hope says with a smile.

"Well lucky you because he is right behind you." the boy says as he walks away we turn around to see that Dr. Saltzman is the new principle. He starts walking towards us.

"hello who are you two?" he asks

"I'm Hope Marshall and this is my twin sister Rebecca Marshall." I know why hope didn't use Mikaelson that would cause a lot of red flags. We walk in to his office and me and Hope sit next to each other.

"Well you guys are two blank slates, Parents Tom and Kathleen , No transcripts from your last school." He says

"I think they must've just gotten packed away or something we move around a lot." I say

"Well if you are going to be here in mystic fall you are going to have to go to school." He says as the bell rings

"come on Hope lets go." I say and me and Hope walk out and go to the bathroom. I close the door and lock it. Hope turns around and starts hitting me I knew she was just mad she hits for a few seconds then she starts crying in my arms. This was not going to be a easy week.

We start walking around the school looking for the blood trail again. Into the Boys locker room we look around and I keep someone touch my shoulder and I twisted there arm and I realized it was Dr. Saltzman.

"I'm sorry." I say as I let go of his arm.

"Okay who are you two?" He says Hope looks at me and doesn't know what to say

"we are vampire hunters and we came across a creature that we think is a troll because it flipped an empty bus and its big and green and smelly and it is hiding in your school we have been following the blood trail its also nocturnal. There is a legend that says that you have to pierce it in the heart to kill it." I say knowing he will believe me

"Listen you two are just kids if there is a monster in my school I will take care of it." He says as I chuckle

"No offence old man but me and my sister has been trying to kill it for a week. So you are going to need our help." I say I see Hope smile and shake her head the first time I saw her smile all week. Dr. Saltzman walks out of the room we follow him but we make sure he doesn't notice us. I tell hope to stay close to him as I hop into a empty science room and make some artificial sunlight. I catch up to Hope and she says he is down stairs. He is on the ground the time we get there I roll the sunlight and explode it in his face I throw hope the arrow and she hits him in the heart with it.

"Nice shot." I say to Hope and give her a smile

"you guys didn't mention that you were witches." Dr. Saltzman says.

"we are just here to kill this monster." hope says. Then a random girl comes down.

"what the hell is that thing?" she says

"why don't you come to my office and we can explain it." We all walk in to Dr. Saltzman's office and Mg shows up and her forget it then she leaves. he walks up to me and Hope

"Don't even think about it." Hope says Mg looks at Dr. Saltzman and he shakes his head.

"So we will be back once the school closes to help you pick up the monster." Hope says

"you two really aren't fazed by this. Are you?" he says

"I just think the story you told me about the monsters and the scary black pit just makes a lot of sense I guess. Look I am really glad yo hear it stopped I'm sorry that's its happening again." Hope tell him

"That's not your fault." He says But I know Hope feels like it is her fault. We start to walk out the door

"Wait, If these monster attacks are starting up again I could really use some back up. Ya know I don't really have anyone else." He tells us

"We work better alone." We leave the school

We start walking around town and find a Hotel and we get a room for 2 we open the door and we both fall onto the bed.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you in the bathroom at the school." Hope says

"I know its okay trust me." I say as I give her a smile we spend the time watching TV and talking. then we head back tot he school and we walk downstairs with Dr. Saltzman and we found a purple pool of blood and the Troll wasn't there.

"well its not a troll." Dr. Saltzman says

"Look there is a blood trail again." I say as they follow me we get to an ally and we walk up the stairs and me and Hope freeze we see Landon and Josie walk across the street together. I am able to control my wolf side surprisingly.

"We should figure out what its wants." Dr. Saltzman says as Hope and I turn our attention to him. We follow the blood trail around town its starts to get dark so the monster should be out soon.

"There." Hope points as the monster is walking towards Landon Hope starts running to it I follow close behind. She cast a spell that sends it flying backwards She runes at it and punches it in the face it backhands her and sends her flying I catch her as the monster comes running at us I punch it in the stomach and it goes flying. Hope cast a spell to make its hair burn. Dr. Saltzman throws Hope his crossbow I see its a cyclops

"Hope hit the cyclops eyes." I say as she shoots it and it turns to ash. I walk over to Hope and give her a smile. I see Landon get up and turn around and him and Hope make eye contact.

"Hope we should leave." I tell her she snaps out of the gaze and follows me back to the alley.

"I know you guys aren't going to stay but umm here." Dr. Saltzman says as he gives Hope his crossbow.

"Take care of each other out there." He says to both of us.

"Thank you." I say as he turns around and leaves We head back to our hotel.

"Becca we have to tell him who we are. We also have to stay." Hope tells me I know she is right

"I know we do." Hope leaves and I follow we go to the school. Hope and I walk into Dr. Saltzman's office. He gives us a questionable look.

"Our names aren't Hope and Rebecca Marshall. They are Hope Mikaelson and Rebecca Mikaelson we are Klaus and Hayley's daughters and I know you don't remember this because we were the ones that jumped into the malivore pit. But you are the closet thing I have to a father now." She says as Dr. Saltzman walks up and hugs her he invites me into the hug but i shake my head no. He invites us to take a seat.

"Were you and I not that close?" Dr. Saltzman asks me

"Well you get a little mad at me because I imprinted on Josie." I say as his eyes widen

"You know she is with Landon now." My eyes turn yellow.

"Yeah I know and as you can see my wolf side isn't that happy." We spend the time talking and catching up. We say goodnight and go back to our Hotel.

A few says go by and me and Hope and relaxing in our room.

"Hey I'm going to go pick up some good from the grill want anything." I say as I grab my jacket.

"Yeah can you get me a burger with fries." Hope says.

"Yeah sure thing should be back in like 30 min." I say as I walk out. It dinner time so when I get to the grill it is pretty full I am waiting in line as I put my earbuds in and I see Landon and Josie sitting in a both. Josie looks over at me and we make eye contact Landon snaps her out of it and he looks at me. I look away and order the burgers and leave as quick as possible. As i am walking out I feel a tap on my shoulder and it was Josie.

"This is a weird question but do I know you?" She asks me I manage to control my wolf side.

"No sorry I am new into town." I say she seems to believe me which is good.

"Okay sorry for bothering you." She tells me

"Its okay." I say and I leave to go back to the Hotel. I open the door and I tell Hope what happened. As I lay in my bed all I could think about was Josie.

Mikaelson TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now