Anahita's POV:
I slowly wake up to find myself in a underground hideout wrapped in a comfortable blanket realizing I'm completely naked. "Was all that a dream? Cuz it felt so real" I mumbled to myself.
I see a old T-shirt laying near me and tried it on hoping it would cover me enough since I am pretty small in stature. "No luck it only covers my upper half and my butt is exposed" I sighed. I guess I can use the blanket as a long skirt. "It's better than nothing I guess." I wrap and tie the blanket around my waist double knotting it to be sure. I look around for a exit and noticed that theirs light coming in from a crack opening on the ceiling. Underneath it there was a rusty ladder to climb on. I climb up push the ceiling door open and climbed out finally. I looked at my surroundings making sure no one is around luckily there wasn't. I made it to center st which is where I'm live. I had a few strange looks from people but they brush it off and didn't care really. I unlocked my front door with the key I was hiding on top of the door frame and made my way inside rushing to the bathroom to wash off the dirt and nasty smell coming from my hair. I strip myself naked and caught myself in the mirror. I had red smears on my lips, cheeks and chin. "Man what did I do last night? all I can remember is luring a guy away and eating him then swam down the canal to find a spot to transform back" I said while examining my face. Usually when I'm in my mermaid form I'm mostly driven by my primal instincts. I shook my head turn around and started running the hot water in the bath. Sadly I can't shower cuz I transform in the bath too. The water from the bath is from the river but it's been filtered and cleaned out. I let the bath fill up and I step in slowly to position myself for the transformation. Not even a few moments later the painful transformation starts again. Frailling my limbs around as they morph and change. It hurts so much to the point I can't scream in pain which helps a lot by preventing humans hearing out my cries of agony and go investigate where it's coming from. My tail flings out of the tub and its dangling from the edge of the tub. I lay my head back in exhaustion and start to wash off the gunk on my body and hair. After rinsing the suds off I lay back and begin to be lost in thought. Still can't stop remembering the dream I had last night of myself and that clown having sex. A part of me wish it was real and a part of me doubts that it was real. I drain out the water out of the tub while I struggle to get myself out of the tub cuz I'm all slimy and slippery in my mermaid form. I managed to get myself out of the tub and grabbed my hair dryer to dry off my tail so I can transform back to a human. Once my transformation had finished I cleaned up the remains of my tail and threw it in the garbage. While I get my comfortable clothes on and start cooking myself dinner since I take really long baths due to my transformation. I grab a banquet brand chicken pot pie box dinner out of the freezer and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. After eating my food I decided to take a night walk through the woods by the barrens.

Pennywise's POV:
I followed her home out of my curiosity of this gorgeous creature that obviously isn't human but seems to have a ability to take human form somehow. Once she made it to her house I decided to go back to the sewers realizing how hungry I was. As I was walking through the woods I noticed small kids playing in the woods. Licking my drooling lips I stalk them waiting for a perfect moment to pounce. I managed to lure one kid away with my red ballon and I sprung into action first creeping the kid out and slowly build up their fear then devouring the small child on the spot. After having such a nice meal and enjoyed watching the other kids look for the one I had just eaten. They gave up on the search since the sun had set and retreated back to their homes. I begin to walk towards the sewer entrance nearby when suddenly I see a figure a yard away from my right. I recognize the figure it's that girl again. "What's she doing back here?" I thought to myself. I get closer and examine her from a distance. Her eyes aren't glowing a magenta color anymore they have turned into milk chocolate brown eyes and her ears are not webbed anymore too. She looked like a actual human being! Her face had a peaceful smile and her eyes had a wistful look inside while starring at the shining moon. Her long rustic color hair flew with the breeze I was truly mesmerized by her. I stepped a little closer then a twig snapped me out of my trance and I hid behind the tree I was at. She swiftly turned her head to my direction with a alerted look on her face and started sniffing the air. Assuming it was a animal she turned her head back to looking at the sky and starts make a weird hooting sound she even bobs her head. The noise sounds like she's saying "who cooks for you who cooks for you all?" She holds her left arm out which has some kind of cast on it. Suddenly I can hear the same exact call from a distance and not moment sooner a large owl lands on her held out left bent arm.

That cast probably prevents the creature's claws from digging into her arm then

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That cast probably prevents the creature's claws from digging into her arm then. Right after the owl landed the two start bobbing and shaking their heads while making the same call but only it's louder. The strange girl nods her head and hands the bird a dead mouse as treat. The owl snatched the mouse out of her hand and swallows it whole then it flys away into the night. Strange it was like she was talking to it and knew what it's response was as if she can understand the bird's language. "She can talk to animals?" I whispered quietly without warning she lets out a loud scream, I've heard that scream before it's a fox call I hear them sometimes at night sometimes confusing them with children screams.

She calls out a few more times until a male red fox sprinted passed me startling me in the process

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She calls out a few more times until a male red fox sprinted passed me startling me in the process. She then crouches and begins talking to the animal in their language once again. She nods and shakes her head while the fox speaks to her knowing what the fox is saying to her. She hugs the fox and the fox licks her cheek as a goodbye. Then it zooms off deeper into the woods. I wonder what they were talking about and how can understand and speak animal? I watch her stand up letting out a disappointed sigh. "I guess no hunting tonight...darn" she says as she walks to the direction where she came from. "What's up with this girl? Why do I feel like this towards her?" I wondered when suddenly I can her song came back into my mind. I don't know why but I wanna hear her sing again just to hear her beautiful beckons once again. I snapped out of my daze and realized she was no where in sight. I shake my head and return to the sewers for the rest of the night.

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