"Lisa!" he sobbed against her chest. She wrapped her arms around his body and finally let the repressed tears fall along with his.

"It will be okay, buddy. Everything is going to be fine soon, I promise" she whispered into his ear. She held him close and kissed his cheek for the first time after being apart for a few months.

Jennie stood at the side and watched as the sad reunion of a brother and sister happened in front of her eyes, mutually bonding over such unpleasant reason. They didn't deserve this, she thought. They deserve to have only happiness into their lives.

After a few minutes, after they slightly calmed down, Lisa held her brother's face into her hands and looked him in the teary chocolate brown boyish eyes.

"Let's go inside. It's too cold over here" he nodded and ran back into the house, leaving Lisa outside along with Jennie. She looked down sadly and played with her fingers. "I'm sorry for that"

The brunette walked closer and took her turn to wrap her hands around her girlfriend. "Don't say that. You don't have anything to apologize for, Lis. You have the right to cry all you want so don't hold back, okay?"

Lisa nodded. "Let's go inside now" she pulled Jennie along into the small two storey cranky house. As they stepped inside, an old lady the brunette guessed was Lisa's grandma came from around the corner and hugged her granddaughter sadly.

"How are you doing, Lisa?"

"I don't know, to be honest. It all happened so suddenly, I can't believe it's actually real" she answered as she released the hug.

"I understand" she said and patted her shoulder. "And who's that young lady with you?" the grandma asked once her eyes fell on Jennie standing awkwardly in the corner. Lisa held the brunette's small hand and pulled her closer.

"That's Jennie, my girlfriend"

"It's so nice to meet you, Jennie. I'm Malee" she shook her hand as she tried to hardly smile.

"It's nice to meet you too, Malee, even though I wish it was in better circumstances"

"Me too" Malee smiled sadly and let them into the small kitchen where Lisa's little brother was already sat on the couch in the corner, hugging his knees and face buried into his jeans. Lisa and Jennie plopped down next to him as Malee walked up to the counter.

"I will make you, kids, some warm tea. You must be cold from the ride"

They stood quietly as Jennie reached for Lisa's hand from under the table. Soon enough, three mugs with the steaming hot drink and a cup of sugar were placed in front of them as Malee accommodated on a chair on the other side of the table.

Lisa and her grandma started talking about how they were going to proceed with everything after she and her brother were left orphans.

"Which one of us is going to take care of Kun from now on?" Malee asked.

"I think it should be me. I'm his sister and I'm legal so the custody falls on me" Lisa answered as she twirled with the tea spoon in the mug.

"Would you manage alone? You know, classes, now a kid. Do you have a job?"

"I don't have a job yet, no. And I know it will be hard to take care of all of it at the same time"

"Malee, she's not going to be alone in this because she will always have me by her side" Jennie joined. "I will make sure to help her as much as I can with everything. Don't worry about that"

"You really don't have to, Jen. I will take care of it by myself somehow. I don't want to get you involved in this"

"Please, Lisa, let me do this for you. You helped me in a very difficult period in my life and I want to return the gesture. I can't stay from the side and watch you struggle" Jennie sincerely said.

Lisa sighed. "Okay, we'll see"

"I'll try to help as much as I can, too" Malee added. "Just know that I'm not in the best financial situation right now and it won't be much, but if you need some rest, you can always take Kun to me for a few days and relax"

"He's a good boy, he won't be a burden. Right, buddy?" Lisa asked and patted his arm. He nodded sadly. "Also, what if we sell the family house? I'm not coming to live here anytime soon and by the time I finish university I would have settled comfortably over there and I won't want to come back, plus the house will be in a very bad condition by then since there is no one maintain it. I don't see a point for it to stay"

"But, Lisa, this is the house where you two have grown up. You have so much memories over there"

"That doesn't mean the memories are good. That house doesn't mean anything to me for a long time already. Everyone benefits from getting rid of it"

"You will really sell it?" Kun mumbled in his small voice.

"We need the money, buddy. It's useless to just stay unused and fall apart, please understand. I know you may have some better memories of our parents in that place, but from now on you won't be anywhere near it to remember them" he nodded again, understanding his sister's point.

"Are you sure?" Malee asked.

"Yeah. We will have a lot more expenses from now on and it will come in handy" Lisa said as she slowly sipped at her tea.

"Okay, then. I'll see what I can do about it"

After an hour more discussing the subject, Lisa and Jennie decided to visit the family house for one last time before it was gone forever, and pick up as much necessary belongings as possible. When asked if he wanted to come along, Kun shook his head and ran up the stairs.

"He's a little shy and may not want to speak to you until he gets used to your presence around him. I think he will like you a lot, though" Lisa said as they walked towards the car.

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