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I slowly opened my eyes, the dull light helping my eyes adjust. I was stapped to something that felt like a large dentist's chair, but metal. I was strapped down like in the Hobbling Scene from Misery.  The haze returned strong and sudden. I screamed and thrashed in the nightmare-like phase, trying to escape. Jack came running in, holding a syringe of clear fluid. "No!" I screamed in the Shadow Walker's voice. The stickers on my chest picked up my rapid heart rate, making the machine beside me beep faster and faster. He plunged the needle into my vein and pushed down slowly. I stopped screaming and thrashing, the haze gone.

It was replaced with a new haze, the drug haze. It was the same stuff they gave to me after the car crash at the hospital, or something very similar. I think it was chlordiazepoxide? I giggled. That was a funny word. I saw waves in my vision, the drug was really taking effect now.  Jack looked down at me. "Sorry, but we have to talk to you without it." He said remorse.  "Without what?" I said, my voice too high. That's cause I'm high! I thought, then went into another fit of giggles. 

"The thing that lives inside of you," He said, his voice sounding like he is trying to get a child to clean his room.  "Ohhhhh... You mean Shadow Walker!" I said. His eyes widened. But he doesn't have any eyes! I giggled again. "Shadow Walker? Can you tell me about it?" He asked, nodding to himself. I shook my head. "No? You can't?" I shook my head again. "Well, why not?" He asked. "It's gonna kill me if I do..." I said, still sounding overly slow and high. "Hang on a minute," Jack said, then briskly walked out, sliding a blue mask over his face. 

Another boy came in, looked like Link from Zelda. Except his eyes were black, red, and bloody. He looked at me carefully, stopping a safe four feet away. "You look elf! But Santa isn't real... but you look like an EVIL elf!" I gasped, in my stoned voice. He responded, "What the fuck did Jack give you?" then he smiled. "I'm Ben. Ben Drowned. Nice to meet you." I looked at him and said "My dad's name was Ben. I hated my dad. I think that means I hate you too." He looked at me and laughed. I frowned as he said, "My dad drowned me in water, and your name's Rainn, which is a misspelled form of water. I hate water, so I hate you too!" I thought about this, then giggled. Suddenly I gasped and looked down at my arm. "Bennn! Look!" He looked down and laughed. "It's just a fly, why do you care so much?" I looked at the fly in awe. "His name is now William. He is my pet, and I will take care of him." I whispered, slurring a bit. Ben was doubled over in laughter as Jack came into the room. He looked at William and smacked him, crushing his tiny body. I looked up in shock. "YOU KILLED HIM!" I shouted. Ben laughed harder, telling me to stop, he couldn't breathe. Jack looked at Ben for an explanation, but Ben was laughing too hard to respond. 

I glared at Jack, then forgot about William altogether. "I think I may have given you a tad too much..." He muttered to himself. He checked my vitals, my heart was still pumping too fast, but my blood pressure was too low.  "Atrial fibrillation. Not good." He said. Ben was breathing deeply to calm himself down from the laughter. That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out. 

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