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When I awoke, the beeping of the EKG was my only connection to reality. I felt cold and hot at the same time. I was hurting and numb. I was thinking too much in a blank mind. 

"I know, I know...You'll be okay..." Someone said, patting my shoulder. Who was it? It was male...maybe Jack?  The taste of life started to come back and I could see clearly now. It was Jack standing next to me. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but I couldn't. My fingers and toes felt like pins and needles were rushing through them. "Just relax. You'll be fine. But we need to talk...or...try to." He said. I nodded, not trusting my voice to work yet. "Good. Who was the thing you were talking about?" I tried to remember. "Nevermind let me reword that. You were high off your tree when you said it... Can you tell me who Shadow Walker is?" My heart picked up in pace, my hands shook. He looked at me, waiting for an answer. "I-I can't tell you tha-" I said, my voice trailing away on the last word. "Why not?" He asked, becoming impatient. "It's gonna kill me..." I said, trying my best to speak, as words were still failing me. "Why will 'it' kill you?" I looked at him in his empty sockets. I couldn't talk. My head was pounding at the temple. My arms were too heavy to move. Jack told me that he was going to go for a little while...Or that's what it sounded like, at least. 

A couple of minutes...Or maybe an hour passed, I don't know; when Ben walked in. He looked nervous. I could remember him laughing and saying he hated me too, but that was it. He seemed like the only "person" in this hellhole who I would get along with, our personalities were similar. "Jack told me to interrogate you." He said, trying to smile. I frowned. So this is what this is all about. "So...Who's the Shadow Walker?" Ben asked, sounding casual. The anxiety on his face began to melt away. 

"You tell him who I am and I will make you kill him. I will make you kill everyone you ever even slightly cared about. Do NOT tell him. Tell him you don't know what he's talking about."

I looked at Ben. He looked tired. I felt wrong lying. I didn't even know if he could be killed again, but I wasn't about to find out. I felt the haze coming. "No," I whispered. "Ben...You have to go... now..."  He shook his head and crossed his arms. The restraints dug at my skin as I was forced to try and sit up. I tried to stay as still as possible, but I was shaking too hard. No matter what though, I would not let it win. I was going to stay here. A ripping pain went through my body and I gasped sharply, the air hardly making it in. The pain worsened, and I shook harder. Ben yelled for Jack and rushed over to me. "Back off!" I tried to yell, but it only came out as a pained moan. It hurt so bad...So...So...bad. I couldn't hurt anyone though, not again. A worse wave of pain crashed into me, causing me to yell out. I couldn't see. I couldn't speak. Something was coming out of my eyes and mouth, it was sharp yet soft, it was burning my body. "Do something! Knock her out!" Yelled Jack. Suddenly, there was a soft touch at the side of my neck. Maybe it was a hit, but compared to the pain I was feeling it felt like a caress from a feather. 




I couldn't think anymore...

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