Not My Thoughts

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When we calmed down, a man in a feminine mask came in. "Oh! Uh...You must be Rainn, right? My proxy name is Masky but you can call me Tim." He lifted the mask to reveal he was a young man with...messy hair. "Okay, I have to ask...Why does everyone in this house have messy hair?" He and Jack laughed and shrugged. Jeff appeared behind Tim. "Shit, Jeff. What happened to you? You look like you got hit by a truck..." Tim said, giggling like a little girl. Jack laughed and said, "Rainn kicked his ass." That just made Tim laugh harder. Jeff pointed at me and all he said was "come". I got up and walked towards him. I could hear my heart beating like a drum in my ears. 

He walked me down to his room and looked at me. All he did was stare at me for what seemed like forever. Then he spoke, softly. "I don't know where that came from. I don't want to know. But if you are going to stay here and stay alive you better not have any more outbursts. One thing is for certain though... I can't call you human. You are not a proxy. But not human. What are you? Are you possessed? What's your deal?" I looked down. "Why do you guys keep saying that? How am I not human? What is a proxy?" I asked, careful to keep my voice free of attitude. He sighed. "Sorry, I forgot you didn't know. Proxy is not human, but not a demon. It is in the middle, and extremely dangerous. I am Slenderman's proxy."  I nodded. "But...I can't not be human..." He spoke again. "You are a human, but you seem to be invaded. With what, we will figure out. But...I guess this means you can't be my prisoner..." He smiled, making his carved one larger. I couldn't smile back. Invaded. I remembered what the voice said. About me being its host.  Should I tell him? 

The voice did not speak. I told Jeff everything I had been hearing. "How long has this been going on?" He asked, alarmed. "Uh... Seven years and eight days." I responded. It was true, I had always had this second voice since the crash. He nodded and said, "We have to tell Slender about this...". He gestured me forward and led me downstairs.

Two Days After YesterdayWhere stories live. Discover now