chapter 17

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War's pov

After he left, I felt empty and lonely. Everything seemed so dull and sorrow filled my heart again. Yin had called me when he reached there. We talked for an hour.

The very next day, I packed my things and went to visit my grandpa province. Everything seems same, nothing had changed but he was gone forever. My Grandpa left everything behind for me because I was only family he had. Last winter, when I visit him, he told me to get marry.

"War, when will you let me meet you sweetheart? I think now its right time to have girlfriend, at least?", Grandpa had told me after I took my seat beside him. "Grandpa, wait for right time.. I will definitely bring here and let you meet, kk", I told him. "Promise me, you will introduce her before I die" He told me. "Grandpa, if I can't bring her here, what will you do?", I asked him because the one I love is not a girl but a boy Yin. If I don't tell him now, I know his soul won't be in ease. Moreover his soul won't rest in peace because he worries too much about me.

"You don't have to bring her here but at least tell me her name and how much you are meant to her or what you think about her in your life. You know nowadays, no one is real and so many people are just after money and their fame. For me, I don't think anything but least she should loves you and take care of you and should be there when you needed the most. If Someone respect your decision and know the importance for being in their life, then I think you should get along with them. And you should also respect them too", he told me which made me love Yin more. I didn't feel afraid to tell him about Yin and spent rest of my life with him so, I told him.

"Grandpa, I am sorry that I can't bring her but instead I got him. I mean grandson -in law. I hope you don't mind. You know I love him so much and I also know that he love me too, more than himself"......... My grandpa was silent for minutes and I don't know what to respond. Slowly he shift near to me and said, " I was just waiting for you to tell me the truth. I knew it before".
I was happy and shocked at a same time. "When did you know and how, Grandpa? "

"Last time, when I went to your house, you weren't there. Later, I found out that you were staying with him... I was so happy that you got a friend that you are enjoying your life. I was so disappointed in myself because I couldn't buy you something, a friend though I had money. I am so sorry dear. I couldn't keep you happy. You had to stay alone until you meet him but don't worry you made a best choice". "Don't tell me you are sorry, grandpa. To be honest I was happy since last five years. I met him long time back and I was just checking on him and I know he will be great to me. You rest in assured grandpa", I made sure he won't worry about me from now.

" Really?"he was shocked when he heard my response. I got up from my sit and went to kitchen to make a tea. "Drink this tea grandpa, it will make you feel more at peace. I will bring him here one day and let you meet him. That time, I know you will choose him I over your grandson", I teased him as an we drank our tea. "I think you would be the who would attach to him like magnetic, not me. Do you know why people love animals and things? It's simple, it's because they love it. So when people talk bad about your relationship, don't give damn to them. Do what's make you happy. I am giving blessing to you two, stay happy and take care of each other".
"Okay, sure grandpa"

I unpacked my things in my room. Grandpa had never touched my things. It was same as before. I gave food to hearty and I took shower and went to sleep because I felt tired from driving whole day. Everyday, I did same work: waking early morning, taking hearty for jogging, take shower before breakfast. In the evening: I go for evening walk, prepared dinner after returning back, I sleep. Its the same routine that i follow. I made a call to Yin but he didn't picked up the call. he may be busy after all he is doing his training, and never get a time to take a rest. I speak to myself.

At evening, he called me but I reject it and instead I did video call. I was shocked to see Yin. He became so dark, thin and his hair want clean at all but got mixed with dust. My heart was sank as soon as I saw him. He tried to smile but his smile was faint but he was trying his best for me to see. Seeing his smile, I felt more tired than him. We talked for more than 5 minutes and I told him not to call me because more I will see him, more I will feel unhappy.
From than, we didn't call for almost months.

One day, Earth called me and asked me where I was staying. He came to my place and he said he was on his vacation after his intern. He told me that they get more than 3 months after their intern. He came here to looked after me, I can feel it. "Why are you not telling him the truth. If it get worst, I think Yin will never forgive you", Earth told me after we visited the hospital. But Earth told me that he would take care of me. Doctors told me that this dost will make me forget the things and people at a same time.

Next morning, I felt weak in every born and more dizzy. I felt pain from my whole body. I called Earth from my bedroom door. He was in the kitchen when I called him. He came as soon as he heard me. "What happened? Something's wrong? Should I call doctor? ". "No, it's okey. Take me inside". I couldn't walk back to my bed by myself because if I do, I would fall down for sure. I need help.

Earth brought me back to my bed and give me breakfast but I lost my appetite. I don't remember how many days I had been sleeping. When I woke up, doctor was there beside my bed. He had just finished with insert injection to me. I saw Earth's tiny smile worn on his face as he saw me opened my eye. Doctor left after he talked with Earth for sometimes. Last time, Doctor told me that if I ever forget what I had done or people I love, then it's 100 % sure that I would fall in deep sleep where I won't wake up.

I was in my bed for one week, doing nothing but eat and drink whatever Earth feds me. Hearty slept beside me every day, he never went outside. I came into my sense when someone called me from the sitting room. I was in shower room. "What happen here in the kitchen? I told you don't to cook anything" I heard someone shouting. When I reached there in the kitchen, smoke filled the room and couldn't see anything. Someone pushed me and said, "War, stay wherever you are, don't come in". I heard dog barking from up stairs, I don't know what was going on and who the hell is talking to me.

End of chapter 17...

Thank you everyone.....
N my editor Dupchu, tqz alot...

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