chapter 1:battle to win

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A/N: its my first work and don't know how you all would like, but those you are reading, I will make it as best as I can, and I won't mind if you don't want to read😅 Welcome everyone🥰 and enjoy reading🙆 by the way, the characters are my favourites bl character and I love them, but I don't mean I don't like others though. I love all and I appreciate their effort😍

In each new chapter, if there are new character coming I will notify you all but for now, its all about these character, Yin and War, and Mark and Vee.

Yin's p .o .v
"Give me the sword, quick!" I told him. He was there searching everywhere in his bag pack, but his worried face shows that somethings isn't right. I felt frustrated but in that situation how can I be angry because who knows it might be end of our life, because of that silly weapon. However, the enemy who was infront of us got shoot and was dead lying on the ground with gun in his hand.

"Thank goodness, we are damn alive" finally Mark spoke with a smile. I know he is at ease because a moment earlier he was damn scared.

"By the way where is the damn sword" I told him. I noticed him that he space out a lot today. He is strange, I thought to myself.

He answered me with a laugh, " Where would it be, I don't know. I search everywhere. I think it was stolen". I feel funny because everytime Mark made mistakes he defense himself and he look cute.

"I told you to be careful when enemies are nearby. Who knew that I got a best actor as my partner. Next time tell me truth, don't act innocent.".
"Ok, I surrender. Its my fault that I lost the sword, but I don't want you to get panic. And died and blame myself for the rest of the victory."

"Really, you do?"

" Yeah, why not? After all you are my partner. And you know that I don't trust anyone than you. I think we will be partner til the end." That's the best honest answer I got from Mark. We were partner for Four years and we didnt argue for real for once.

"Come here, you think I changed? Even if the world collapsed, I won't let you die before me". I said as I patted on his head.

"Let go, we have to find the sword before someone took it", he said with a nerves. From the corner of my eye, I can see the tears. Actually I don't want him to feel how low he is or was and moreover, dont want him to loss again"
" Okey!as you wish, I am ready to serve you any time, any where. Hahahha" I told him to cheered him up but i was taken aback, I actually got hit. Uff...

"What's that for? "

"What? You know you are too cheesy, Let's go, we have to reach home before getting dark". I realized that it was 8:45 pm and fortunately we got more than 1 and 15 minutes to be with Mark aka war... And for our daily routine for study which is at 10pm.

We went further in jungle in search of the sword. We got the sword as soon as we entered in the dense jungle because luckily either of the enemies had entered.

"Woow!we got it, What a day? " Mark kind of question but was glad that we got the sword too early.

"Yeah, lets go I am so hungry".

" Ok, don't worry. I will make your favourite dishes tonight ". I smiled and we moved out of the jungle.

"We completed our task today before the time. So what are you going to study, tonight? " I texted him as soon as we logged out. I felt happy because we reached to next level.

"Maybe mathematics and you? " He replied too soon. I guess he is content like me.
"Me? I am not sure. Will have to wait for my mood. Then see you tomorrow ..I will be waiting for you and don't forgot to come online. good night".

" Okey, I will catch you there then. Sweet dream and love you, Vee". War's bold again, teasing me like kids.

I logged out everything thinking that I can focus on my studies, but the blink on the phone made my thoughts swift aways. I picked my phone and checked the message, I expected the that.
"Yin, I can't study... Come online chat with me.. Na.. Na.. Na" Wow... How can I deny his quest?
No sooner did I see the message I came online.

"Hey Yin, I can't focus on my study. Maybe because of the guilt of lossing the sword. We could have loss our battle and had to work more to over come it, I don't know how would we will step up in next battle..." I interrupted him.

"Don't blame yourself, War, we had our words that we will be side by side throughout our battle. And you don't have to worry because everytime I will be shield and so be you to me." I poured everything to him not as a his player's partner but real Yin who secretly love War. I need to console him, I thought.
"Come, let's continue our battle"

After we reach to Mark's house, he directly went to kitchen to prepared the dinner. I went to his sitting room and switch on the TV. After hour waited, We ate dinner in silence, I didn't initiate the talk because I was to focused on my food.

"Do you want to call your friend here since they reach here already" he broke the silence.

"Yeah, they may come because last time they told me that they will join if we are looking for the keys" I answered him as I picked the plates and went to do the dishes.

"Ohhh, I think they will take time to find the keys. See, last time we are about to caught by guard. And finding key is not an easy task. Luckily we had gas that time to distracte the guard". I still remembered, because of the gas I had tough time to fight.

"Don't worry, they are more experience than us. I think we need to focus more to our own problems. Let's sleep now. We have to go there tomorrow and need to get horses".

"Ok, where are you going to sleep tonight?"

"Obviously with you, I mean on your bed"

"Go, find your own bed? I don't sleep with wild. Sweet dream Vee". he said as he closed his bed room door. I went to guestroom to hold the night.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing? "I send him more than 10 messages but I didn't get reply so I dial his number. He answered me with sleepy voice.
" See you tomorrow, I can't play more now. Goodnight Yin" . He hang up directly.

"Sweet dreams War" after he hang up his phone then I went to sleep too...

End of chapter 1.

A/N: if you like don't forget to comment and vote🙏 thank you🙆
Thank you plan_fluke for being my editor n looking forwards...
Asst.editor Rigzeol_10.... Hope you will help me to complete my Story...

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