chapter 3: Thinking about you..

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Yin's pov

The very next day, we did our math test as mam told in out last class. Our math teacher is mam Rigzeol. She is humble and beautiful. She is the one of higher ranking teachers in our college. She is loved by everyone because she never do partiality. Moreover, her teaching is understandable. Every boys dreamed of marrying her but I never thought of it. Hahahahaha...

"Hope you will top this time too, Yin?" my teacher smile and told me when I went to give my answer sheet to her.
"Yes ma'm, I never thought of falling down ma'm. But Thank you mam for making an easy questions". I confidently told her as question was easy for a real.
" Easy question is only for those who study, dear". She left me with a beautiful smile.

"Lets go, I am hungry. I didn't eat my breakfast. You know why? Huh? because I didn't get time to eat. I thought I won't finished doing revision " Earth complained while running towards me during lunch break.

"You will score the highest this time as well, right? Ohhh!!!Tell me why did you go so earlier from my home yesterday. Was it so urgent that you don't have time to stay with me little longer. Got someone?huh?" Of course he is right about me taking off late from his house. I used to get home late every after visiting his house. We used to play with our phone after we are done with our practice and revision. Sometime we used to watch football till dawn. But now I can also feel something got changed with me. I don't feel like staying anywhere anymore than my own room. I feel happy when I am with my phone chatting with War and feel more happy when I play with him.

"Who? I haven't seen anyone to fall into. Anyway Sorry for yesterday, I got some work to be complete so I went earlier. Lets order something. You want me to die or what?". I lied to him because I don't want him to know my secret. He will make fun of me if I say I have fallen for someone  who I have never met, moreover if I tell him that someone was a boy he will be surprise. so I better not to tell him.
"Lately, you seems to lost in your own thought so I thought something's is wrong with you but it's okey if you are fine". We finished our lunch and went to class to attained the remaining classes.

It was 6 pm when I reached my condo.  I directly went to my room and check out my phone to see any messages but I saw nothing, not even single message. I don't receive anythings even from my parents and brothers. I know they all are busy with their own work.
I was only child who is studying in the university. But both of my brothers had completed their high school and never thought of going to university because they are not good as me in studying so they even didn't try to go over sea to study. But good things is that they were helping grandfather in his business. I think they take after thier mother. she even treated me like her own two sons. She had never let me missed my mom for once. She complete the missing heart. No one know she isn't my real mother and other half brothers too. For some extended I feel lucky to have them. However I don't feel secured like before. My dad never asked me how was I doing in university. My step mother was only one asking me instead of him. Sometimes my dad talk to me for a minutes. I think he was forced to talked to me😔... But I was happy because he raised me.

After shower I went to kitchen to prepared dinner. I took out potatoes and peas and started to peel off. While chopping, I saw a message popped out in my phone screen. I went to see who sender was.
"Hi... How was your day today? Come online if you are free". After seeing the massage, my mood had immediately lit up just like sun coming out from the cloud😊. "Okay. I will be there. Give me ten minutes". I left my work half done. I don't regret not to have my dinner  because I am excited but I took hot water and apple from basket because having something is Better than nothing. Scientifically sleeping without dinner is not good for health but I went to my room as if I am on my diet.

It didn't take even minutes to reach in my room. And took my laptop and place on table beside my bed. I open my Facebook in order to kill my 10 minutes so I can played with war soon. I was shocked to see someone tagged me and said  feeling blessed with Yin. I checked who tagged me but other user hide all the information and made privacy. I also felt blessed because there was someone who feel blessed because of me.

Exactly 10 minutes after my message, he came online. You may wonder it been four years why don't you know him and meet each other. To be friendly, War never let me know about him. It wasn't like I don't try to know him but he never let me. Ahahahaah... So I respect his decision. But I know he was only one staying alone himself and he don't have parent to look after him. Once War told me he had grandfather and he was raised by him. Other than that he never tell me about him. In addition he never display his information on any social media unlike me.

It was my turn to ask him first.
"Hi. How was you day today? Hope everything is fine with you? Come let's play". But War didn't agreed to play today so I send him message again. Usually he was first to asked to play even I don't like play because I like to chat with him more than playing.
" What happened??? Are sure you are fine? "
"Yeah, I am fine. Today I don't like playing. Come let's chat"
"Why? Tell me why don't you want to play? You should be happy to play because we got extra protection even if we lost" I was sure that something is not right with him.

"Today I don't feel well so I went to hospital. Doctor said that I should take rest and not to stress out. Moreover I need to give more rest to my brain. I don't know how doctor know my mind is with you🙊...Don't worry I will be there when I got bit well and then let's play. Ok? " How can I not get worried when he was only one I always think to be happy and healthy. He was the one who makes me happy and alive.

"It okey. don't worry. Don't forget to see doctor time and again and take medicine on time. I am sure you will get well soon and I will be always with you". I know my word will make him cool down his tension but I don't think he will be in ease when I said I will be always with him because we had never met each other for once. But war's reply made me freeze.

"You don't want to see me".

End of chapter 3...

Thank you all and my only one editor who edit my Story... Hahahahaha...

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