chapter 24 : story of VM 1

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Yin's pov

"Yin, let's stop playing. I am feeling dizzy", I heard War nagging while his phone was hanging from his hand and if didnt catch it on the time it might hit  on the floor already.

"War! What happened?", I asked him as I put him on the bed. I brought water and gave him. After he drank it, he told me that he wanted to rest for a while. I let him sleep but I didn't move from him anywhere. After I saw a soundless sleep of War, I fall asleep beside him. Just being next to War made me warm inside my heart even though it was winter.

I was awakened when I heard the breaking glass sound. "Oh! You could tell me if you want water. Why are you struggling yourself, when you are not fine", War was in the middle of picking up pieces of glasses when I asked him.
"I don't want to disturb your sleep so I didn't wake you up", he replied me with his head still lowered to the floor. "What if you fall and crash yourself on that pieces?", with concern voice I scold him. I didn't wait for his reply, I got out from the bed and brought a glass full of water from kitchen and handed to him.
"War, next time tell me everything before you want anything, ok? I don't want to see you getting hurt".
"Okey, I will", War replied me softly with nodding. He gently moved his hand towards mine and hold it tightly and he continued, "Yin, I am not telling this to happen but what if, by chance, one day, if I don't wake up from my sleep, what will you do?". This time War seemed so serious, which really kills me inside. I don't know what's make him to tell me such things. I was just like corpse standing upright without any thoughts particular in the mind.

"War, you can tell me whatever but not about that. I just don't want to think about it. Let's pretend I didn't hear about it", I whispered to him as I went near him to gave him a hug. With a smile on his face, he told me he wasn't serious earlier.

"Yin, I am hungry. Can we eat something? can you make a warm food? It's a dinner time, right yin?", he asked me as he looked out over the window where snow reflect the white light towards our room. It been snowing for whole days and which made us to stay inside the room and made us bored. War took a long breath and he speaks again,"let's go outside tomorrow and play in the snow, ok? I feel more sick while staying all day long inside home." When he said he wanna go outside, it worries me inside but he smiles, and that's matters all.

"Okey, but only if snow stop falling. If it stop, we need to do some shopping and on the way, we can play it, ok?",I replied as I turned and left for a kitchen to make dinner even it's passed 11 pm.
I heated the bread and milk so that we can still have a light dinner.

After we were done with our dinner, we got in the bed but we didn't play the games as War is not feeling well rather we talked about the game. "War, do you think Mark is a victim ?", I asked him after he rested his head on my shoulder.
"I don't think so. P'Vee might have a reason to not tell him about him to Mark now."
"Do you know Vee and Mark had met eachother when they were kid?", I asked him.
"Yeah, that's why the main problems raised from there, right?", He replied.

"Mark's father took Mark to the palace to register for the selection of the warrior after the king had made a announced that his son need a partner in battle field to become a next thorn after him", and then "In selection ground, one by one every one did their best to show their best skill. Among them, there was a beautiful girl, the skill of that girl was outstanding. If Vee didn't see Mark before her, he might have chosen that girl and make her his partner", I told War as I saw smile hanging on his face.

"But everything changed after Vee saw Mark on the ground that day. He found out that Mark was not only good looking but also had a great good skill for the fight, Vee thought of keeping him as his partner. So he rejected everyone with giving them reason for not getting selected".

"And after that, what happen?", War asked me, his voice filled with excitement.
"After that, those who don't get selected were sent home. And Mark was announced as his son's partner". "They were together since then. They learn everything together and sometimes when they get free times, both of them went to Mark's house to meet his parents. His parents treat them equally even though Vee was a Prince. Even Vee stay like normal teenage boy who always enjoy simple life like them. When they were at Mark's village, both of them went to hunt with others boys. They lived a happy life until Vee's father decided his son to get married"

"Oh! really? Why Vee's father decided suddenly?or did someone brings their daughter and show to him?",War asked me even though he knew the story but  because of sickness, he don't remember. Here I was like old grandfather telling the story to their grandchildren. Anyway I like to tell him because I like it too.

"You know a beautiful girl once she came for a selection? she was daughter of a another Kingdom. She was now grownup and became more beautiful than before but only problem was she was a married before with one she loved. But married had not gone well.  Her father was never good father to his daughter. He wanted his daughter to marry with the high level of people like him."
"She didn't married to a high level people?" Mark asked in high pitch maybe because of surprised.

"No, she was married to her long old boyfriend. They had stayed together secretly from her dad and family. But unfortunately they were caught and force them to stay separately and didn't allow them to meet with each other ever again".
"Why Vee dad agree to marry his son with that daughter?"
"Because firstly Vee's dad didn't know future daughter-in-law was married before and secondly, he found that Vee and Mark was showing different relationship as day passed by. Everyone started to talked about the relationship between Mark and Vee".

"Do they had such relationship? Was it true?".
" first they stayed like friend. A year pass by, their friendship turned more than friend which at first they didn't know what it out called it themselves"

End of chapter 24

Thank you all and happy valentine's Day...
Tq Dupchu for editing my story 💙...

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