Chapter 355 and 356

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Chapter 355

Ye Yun and Fang Fei are a pair of mother and daughter sharing the same values. They are bitter and mean, and they like to pick things up. After Fang Chixia entered the Fang’s house, the mother and daughter strived to bring her trouble.

Now calling her to know how she’s been out of the blue, Fang Chixia has a hunch that it wasn’t as simple as greeting her.

Since Fang Chixia’s not beating around the bush, Ye Yun directly explained her intent.

“Recently, the company has been in a lot of trouble and needs some capital turnover. You see, our family has raised you for so many years. Anyway, you are also a woman who was married off out of our family. You’re even carrying our surname. Now that our family is facing some problems, you aren’t going to sit idly by and watch, right? You’re married to Rongxi’s young master, right? So, your relationship must also be normal, right? The Luo family is so powerful and we are in a critical situation at the moment. Talk to Luo shaoye about it, and he’ll certainly settle things in just one shot.”

She took it for granted, sounding like the Fang family had raised Fang Chixia with great difficulty for so many years, and now it’s her turn to repay their kindness.

Fang Chixia has long been accustomed to her and Fang Fei’s spitefulness, so hearing her recital was of no suprise. But hearing the Fang’s company in trouble, her heart still tightened a bit, “How much?”

As soon as Ye Yun heard no refusal, she was stimulated and immediately became animated as she responded kindly, “Auntie knew that you wouldn’t just watch the Fang’s family going bankrupt. Not much, not much, just three hundred million. When you get your hand of it, just send it to my card…..”

Ye Yun wasn’t angry nor annoyed and treated the matter was a piece of cake. She took out her bank card ready to dictate her card number to Fang Chixia only to be interrupted halfway through: “”I’m sorry Aunt, I’m just a student, I can’t help you with this.”

She refused outright, not even letting Ye Yun finish.

Ye Yun was enraged that her previous kindness was swept away almost in seconds. “Fang Chixia, you white-eyed wolf. Our family has been toiling for so long to support you, but now that we are asking you to pay us back, what do you do? How much is this money worth to the Luo family? If you have a little conscience, you shouldn’t refuse! “

Her face turned quickly as if flipping the pages of a book and scolded her sharply.

Fang Chixia stiffened, holding the phone tightly in her hands, and letting her curse her, listening to her word by word without refuting any of it all the way through.

In fact, what Ye Yun said was true.

No matter how the family treated her, their grace of parenting should be repaid.

But 300 million isn’t a joke!

It’s not that she doesn’t want to help, but she can’t help!

Fang Chixia is only a student at school, so poor all alone. Where can she find so much money to help?

The Luo family is indeed rich, but the Luo family is the Luo family.

Although she married Luo Yibei, she didn’t step into the Luo’s register! The nature of the marriage between her and Luo Yibei was originally a hidden marriage. Once the four-year marriage on their contract has ended, they would part ways. So why shoudl she ask him for so much money?

“You have no conscience! Ungrateful! Tell me, since you were young, when has our family ever treat you badly? Food, house, haven’t treated you like you were our own child?” Ye Yun swore and shot her mouth off, with whatever popped in her head.

She described herself like a loving mother, her face flushed, from breathlessness and felt as if she had had amnesia. On the other side, Fang Chixia couldn’t recall a thing from her narration.

Chapter 356

For so many years before, Fang Fei has always landed Fang Chixia into troubles accompanying it with countless nitpicking and stabbing, while Fang Rong leched after her, all of which she managed to filter through and didn’t mention.

Fang Chixia couldn’t help but even admire herself for surviving to this point, she thought she could get a a Guinness World Record Award.

She knew very well what Ye Yun was angry about.

After getting a hold of the news that she was involved with Luo Yibei, before initiating this call, Ye Yun must have calculated several times then calculated over and over again how much money she could squeeze out of her.

She must have made the call with full confidence, but now that she didn’t receive even half a penny, of course, she’d be furious.

Fang Chixia and Ye Yu had no affections for each other, so for Ye Yun’s accusations, she put up with it without defense, still in consideration of the Fang family’s favor.

“Auntie, if there is nothing else, I’ll hang up the phone first.” Hearing Fang Chixia wanting to hang up, after venting her, Ye Yun anxiously added: “Chixia, you must help us. The company has been in dire straits recently so your father fell ill.”

“What?” Ready to press the end call button, Fang Chixia was caught off guard and stood frozen there.

“He got sick, he’s been in the hospital for a while now!” Ye Yun sighed in pretense knowing that she’s finally got her attention.

Fang Chixia was brought back to the Fang family by Fang Mingcheng. She has also called him father so she couldn’t completely ignore him. She still hasn’t gotten to the point of being heartless towards him.

“I know, I will think of a way, I will tell you if there is news.” Fang Chixia hung up the phone, walked back to the living room with her mobile phone, and paced back and forth in agitation.

While worrying about Fang Mingcheng, she pondered whether to speak with Luo Yibei about it.

Luo Yibei originally thought that she had offered to marry him for his money and power. Fang Chixia didn’t want add to the misunderstanding so she never asked him for money after their marriage.

Now that she’s about to ask him such a huge amount, Fang Chixia couldn’t tell how he’d react the moment he hears it.

Holding the phone in the living room for a long time, Fang Chixia’s eyes fixed on the screen of her phone. After gathering enough courage, with trembling fingers, she dialed Luo Yibei’s number on her contacts.

The ringing rang particularly loud in the large villa.

With her heart in her throat, Fang Chixia waited patiently while going over how to open the subject to him.

The ringing continued.

He must be busy because the ringing went on for a few seconds.

When it finally went through, before Fang Chixia could even say a word, Su Ran’s delicate and soft voice came from the other side, “Hello, who is this?”

Her sweet voice only said these words.

But it somehow knocked Fang Chixia’s head hard, so she hurriedly ended the call.

In her agitation, she totally forgot about Su Ran.

A man of another woman, what identity did she have to borrow money from him?

And after borrowing, how was she to repay him?

Fang Chixia sat disoriented on the sofa, hugging Tuantuan while running her hands on his fur.

What should she do?

Fang Chixia sat lost in deep thoughts on the sofa and unknowingly fell asleep there.

In the early hours of the morning, the door of the villa was opened and the man who had not been seen for this afternoon and evening suddenly appeared in the living room.

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