Chapter 331 and 332

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Chapter 331

What aggravated his irritation was this evening with Fang Chixia.

A young lady from the group booked a hotel room at Hotel Hotel. In order to get closer to him, she tasked Fang Chixia to hand him the room card.

Fang Chixia didn’t refuse it. She took it with her and when they got home, she actually handed the card to him.

“This is from a lady named Ai Lin. She said she’ll be waiting for you at Hilton Hotel tonight!” She spread her palm and handed him the card. Then she turned to go upstairs.

The air around Luo Yibei plummeted down low, “Stop there!”

“What’s the matter?” Fang Chixia stood still and looked at him unflustered.

Because of him, she has been harassed all day today.

She should be the one more irritated than he is. But her nonchalance from beginning to end was reflected from vividly from her calm expression, as if not a bit of the matter was relevant to her.

This upset Luo Yibei to an all time high.

Especially when she handed him this room card.

Her husband has been invited by another woman. Not only did she not mind it but even actively assisted. Should she praise her for her generosity?

He approached him step by step then looked down at the card in his hand with great irony, “Miss Fang is really dedicated. You’ve even helped me take care of things like these?”

“I’m merely doing my job.” Fang Chixia was stung by his bitterness. Listening to him saying so was actually disturbing her balance.

“Easily pushing your own husband out?” The corner of Luo Yibei’s lips rose, his tone was laden with more acridity.

Fang Chixia dodged his eyes and instead of arguing with him, she said, “I was only responsible for conveying the message. The decision is all up to you.”

Her indifference was devoid of any personal feelings. Receiving an invitation for her boss and handing it to him, wasn’t it part of her job as his personal assistant?

Her response turned Luo Yibei’s face instantly black.

“It’s at home, not at the company!” Luo Yibei screamed at her in annoyance.

“If you don’t like it, just tell me so I can refuse it.”Fang Chixia answered deadpan.

“What about you? Do you want me to go?” Looking at the card in his palm, Luo Yibei bit the words coldly.

Fang Chixia was struck dumb and was silenced by him.

Why would he ask her opinion?

She was just his nominal wife. The relationship between them was only known to a few people. From her point of view, she doesn’t deserve to be in charge.

Her silence turned Luo Yibei’s face even colder. He suddenly punched the wall on the lower side of her face before turning around to get out of the house.

With the card in hand, he looked like he was going to the appointment.

Standing on a spiral staircase, Fang Chixia watched with dismay as he merged into the shadows of the night, her eyes suddenly stinging.

Luo Yibei was on the way out, his pace was fast as if every step was mixed with anger.

Fang Chixia watched rigidly unconsciously clenching her hands on her sides into fists.

As he was about to get out of her sight, she suddenly called out, “Luo Yibei!”

Luo Yibei’s footsteps came to stop. He slightly turned in her direction.

Fang Chixia looked straight at him, her eyes shining brightly under the lights, “I don’t want you to go!”

Luo Yibei faced her wholly then took huge strides towards her. Stopping before her, he cornered her to the wall folding his arms around her. His pitch black pupils softened as he asked, “What did you say?”

Chapter 332

“I said, I don’t want you to go!”Fang Chixia raised her face and held his gaze.

“Why?” Luo Yibei raised a eyebrows and asked.

Fang Chixia stopped him purely because she likes a clean man.

She’d feel sullied if he were to have an affair with other women.

But in her marriage with Luo Yibei, she was well aware that she wasn’t qualified to demand much.

Luo Yibei stared at her leisurely, waiting for her answer.

Somewhat unsettled, Fang Chixia chose to stand on tiptoes and directly wrapped her arms around his neck, evading giving a reply.

A move that that caught Luo Yibei off guard, but brought sparkles to his eyes.

“I wasn’t planning to go either.” An arc form at the corner of his lips. He pressed her against the wall, savored her lips as he locked her into his embrace, then later picked her up and took her upstairs.

With her arms around his neck, Fang Chixia’s eyes bored into his in astonishment.

Wasn’t planning to go?

So what did he go out for?

“My taste isn’t that convoluted.” Luo Yibei quipped, carrying her to their room then pushing her into the bed.

This time, Fang Chixia yielded. Her arms remained around his neck when they both hit the bed together and her head rested on a pillow.

The soft white pillow sunk deeply under the fervor of the two. Under his caresses, Fang Chixia only felt as if she was enveloped by his warmth. She soon lost all senses and forgot all there was around them….

The next day was a work day.

Fang Chixia roused from her slumber a bit late. By the time she shook herself awake, it was already past nine in the morning. It was way past her schedule.

“Shit!” She scrambled out of the sheets in a flurry, but then a lone figure in the balcony suddenly greeted. “Good morning!”

The relaxed drawl sounded exceptionally magnetic.

Fang Chixia inclined sideways and followed the source of the voice.

Luo Yibei was standing in front of the rooms large window, wearing a pure white bathrobe tied around his waist loosely. The neckline was casually left open. With the morning sunshine behind him, his sculpted face formed a rathing dazzling figure.

His meaningful glance was pleasant and languid.

When Fang Chixia saw him still in the room, she was caught short, “Haven’t you gone to the company yet?”

“I’m waiting for you.” Luo Yibei replied casually.

“I’ll be ready in a minute.” Fang Chixia forcibly stripped her eyes from his face, wrapped the sheets around her and jumped out of bed. She chose a set of closed in the closet and after a simple wash, she went to the company with him.

In Nice, she wasn’t as reserved as in Country C and just went in and out with him without shying away.

Luo Yibei on the contrary wasn’t that concerned be it in Nice or Country C. He appeared unaffected and Fang Chixia wasn’t quite certain of the reason.

Rongxi’s new jewelry release has been basically finalized. The model designed by Fang Chixia was finally selected and to be released as a result of yesterday’s PK with Mr. Roland.

No traces of Mr. Roland’s work could be seen on the final design as Luo Yibei forced Fang Chixia to modify it.

He had the heart to offer Fang Chixia a jewelry launching that was exclusively hers. All intricate details were entirely from her hands and was her brainchild alone.

In this way, Mr. Roland’s original design was discarded by Luo Yibei.

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