Chapter 315 and 316

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Chapter 315

Fang Chixia’s dismayed but it was already nearly lunch time and both of them haven’t had any food yet.

She was feeling hungry so she thought he wouldn’t do too much.

So with that in mind, she complied bedrudgingly.

He let him carry her inside with her hands around his neck.

After taking her in, Luo Yibei simply washed the off the saltwater and took her out.

As it turned out, she was right.

Unbeknownst to her, it was mainly due to the rumbling from her stomach, which she must have not heard.

At noon, after all the trials and tribulations she’d gone through, he knew she had no energy left to accompany him with his interests.

Wrapping her with a bath towel, he carried her out as if she were a child, dried the water beads out of her hair. He then dried himself off and the two went out for their unfinished lunches.

Starving at this time around, Fang Chixia ate with much gusto after taking her seat.

Thinking back on his timely arrival, she wondered while chewing, “Did you hear me call you earlier?”

“No.” Luo Yibei replied offhandedly while slicing a piece of food on his plate.

Fang Chixia was nonplussed, “Then how come you came out?”

Luo Yibei lifted his faced and drawled, “Aren’t I amazing.”

Fang Chixia almost choked on her food, but she couldn’t deny it.

To describe him as such wasn’t an exaggeration at all.

He has always given her that same feeling a lot of times.

No matter where she was and in what danger she was troubled with, he would happen to be there everytime.

Luo Yibei bowed down and continued his lunch while pondering on purpose of the man disguised as a waite who took Fang Chixia away.

They were in Nice. Fang Chixia was just an ordinary college student. Who would be entangled with her?

Luo Yibei mulled over it for a moment before a name suddenly crossed his mind….

Nice Hotel.

“Who made you do this?”

“Your Highness, I was wrong! We’ve been dispatched to look for the lady, but there has been no news. I was surprised when I bumped into her today, but I didn’t know how to get her out, so I came up with this plan. I just didn’t expect to fail bringing her back…”

“There’s more than enough going on compared to your success or failure, and you’re still embarrassed?”

In the corner of a corridor, there were shadows of two figures, one with a tall solid back, whose shadow was cast in a piece of cold aura and the other kneeling on the ground who was shaking non-stop.

The man standing seemed furious as his voice was freezing cold.

A gun on his hand was raised, followed by a “bang” and after that, silence was restored…..


Fang Chixia accompanied Luo Yibei to finish the meal on the cruise ship, and then called Tong Yan.

She didn’t know if Tong Yan would be staying in Nice for a few days and wanted to get together with her while she was there.

The two chatted briefly on the phone and ended up booking a club.

Luo Yibei also accompanied her and when they met, he went off to play golf together Qing Muchen.

His mastery of the sport was particularly beguiling. The average person may have to aim for a few times before hitting the ball. On the other hand, he only need to raise his hand and he could aced every single hole.

Chapter 316

Since they arrived, Fang Chixia has been staring at him for some time while chatting with Tong Yan.

After a few moments chatting, she went out to buy them drinks.

This upscale club was located in a vast land. The entertainment facilities not only included golf but also many others.

So as to ensure exclusivity for each kind of entertainment, the venues were far between.

Being a newbie to the club, Fang Chixia was unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the club. Furthermore, she was led in by Luo Yibei and she didn’t pay much attention.

Wandering around for a long while, she arrived at another facility so she went in to ask for directions. At the end of a corridor, a shadow suddenly was cast over her then she was pushed towards the wall followed by a man’s body pressing on her.

“Let go of me!”Fang Chixia, reflexively struggled and targeted the man’s most vulnerable but when she looked up and saw the man’s face, she froze.

Fei Si Nuo!

Fei Si Nuo closed in and restrained both her arms with one hand. His eyes were narrowed down on her face, not as calm as he had always been, but rippling as if disturbed by the passing of the wind.

Fang Chixia was caught off guard and her eyes slowly shrank.

“Why are you here?” Her hunch was telling her he came for her. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be dragged into a corner the moment he bumped into her.

In addition to the man who kidnapped her from the cruise ship, Fang Chixia didn’t know how to face him.

“Fei Si Nuo, let me go!” Her defensiveness was apparent from her hands propped in between them.

The change on her expressions didn’t escape his eyes, too. Fei Si Nuo pressed her hands on his chest and pushed her back on the wall.

“What do you want?” Unlike any other girl, although Fang Chixia was apprehensive, her head sharpened and even when her heart was jumping nervously, her expression remained calm.

Moreover, knowing that she was no match with the man, acting impulsively was of not much help.

“Are you afraid of me?” Fei Si Nuo’s brows snapped together.

“No, I’m just not used to being restrained to talk to people.” Fang Chixia’s gaze landed on her wrist which he has subdued and replied placidly.

The corners of Fei Si Nuo’s eyes twitched before he raised a brow.

This was what she was blaming him of?

How many times have she used this excuse?

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time since you disappeared.” Fei Si Nuo spread his hands and stroked her hands gently instead.

Fang Chixia apparently didn’t expect him to do so that for a moment, she didn’t know how to dodge his hands.

“I didn’t’ know what had happened to you so I was worried.” Fei Si Nuo’s lips thinned as if in frustration.

“I’m sorry, everything happened too quickly and forgot to inform you.” Fang Chixia maintained her composure but her hands fought for release.

Fei Si Nuo figured out what probably happened. Skipping over this issue, his eyes surveyed her face leisurely before getting to the point, “Today’s business, if I say it wasn’t on my order, would you believe me?”

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