"What?" Heeseung step back a little at seeing Jay's mischievous expression " Go inside the room and talk with the girls"

"WhAT? Why MEH?"

"Because girls likes you! Go"

"Hey I'm-....wait wait wait h-hold on-" Heeseung is being dragging inside the No.3 room by the other boys and lock the door from the outside "HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE! YOU CHEATE--"



"Hyung you don't have to be that nervous okay? We're still the Sunoo, the Jake and the Jungwon" Sunoo fold her arms as she gestured Heeseung to sit beside them. The only boy in the room slowly approach the three girls as Jake and Jungwon giggles at the oldest nervous action.

"So..uh..how did this happened? I mean did you all went to the hospital and transform into girls like this?"

"I would never want to transform into a girl, not even in my dreams" Jake furrowed her eyebrows and pout at Heeseung "I almost hate girls because of yesterday's incident"

"Actually our problem isn't the way we transformed into a girl like this" Jungwon said with serious tone as the others watch her with a confused and curiosity face.

"Our problem is....are we going to be like this forever? When will we change into our real self again?"

"Not we..you three!" Heeseung defend himself as Sunoo eye at him with knitting eyebrows "it is already obvious that its US" Heeseung laugh nervously and thinks that this is the most awkward hour he had ever spent.

Jay, Sunghoon and Niki sit on the long sofa as they trying to talk out something. At first it was silent but "looks like the three of us are the Tops" Sunghoon rolled his eyes at his best friend's starting conversation

"What's the Tops?" Niki ask the two with tilting his head towards them. "Tell him" Sunghoon eye at Jay and smirk at seeing the American boy worried face

"Um...in a relationship there are tops and bottoms and..damn..it's hard to explain. You'll understand when you turn 18. Anyway just know that you are the Top"

Niki shrugged and signal the older to continue whatever he's trying to do it at the first place. Jay lower his head and gesture the two to lean near

"I have a plan!"

"What plan?" Niki ask

"Tomorrow is Saturday right?"

"Yeah..just say it already" Jay glare at the penguin and continue

"Let's take the girls in a triple date on tomorrow!"

"Wow" Niki thumbs up at Jay who look so proud of his plan while Sunghoon just chuckled at his two friends "What if they don't want too?" He ask

"They will! Anyway don't you remember how they look? They're the most beautiful girls in the whole ass universe. And, we need to go shopping and buy their girly clothes too. They also need bras and panties and-"

"Jay too details..okay okay we understand!"

"But how about Heeseung hyung?" Niki raise his brows at his two hyungs who look dumbfounded as well

"He'll....just stay at the dorm!"


"I'm still curious on how they suddenly transformed into a girls!" Sunghoon spoke after agreeing their plans. Niki furrowed his eyebrows and think back what happened last night. Before the sudden thunderstorms and power off in the dorm, he had read something in the small piece of paper from the Engene box, asking him to say his three favourites in the dorm

"My three favourites?....Jungwon hyung, Jake hyung and Sunoo. So does this mean-"


So how's the chapter? Is it dumb? 😅

I told you it's a mysterious story

Missed you all my co-engenes

Not my ship but look at them😢I'm dying inside...IT IS SO HOT AND AM I HAVING A WRONG MIND? YESSSS!!

LMAO😂😂why don't they used Jay instead for Jaywon shippers?..huh I like whoever they used it anyway and I can't wait for their debut. I'm so full in excitement😀

And who the fuck is this girl?👆😤Come on Engenes, let's prove that she's totally wrong💪

Love you all again♡♡♡

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