Hotel shenanigans

Start from the beginning

Espero que te gusten estas fresas y que las disfrutes.  te extraño y nos vamos a ver muy pronto de lo que te esperas - Michael

( for those who don't understand Spanish or can't read it—— i hope you like these strawberries and that you'll enjoy them. I miss you and we'll see each other very soon than what you expect - Michael )

 I miss you and we'll see each other very soon than what you expect - Michael )

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I was blushing a smiling so hard. I couldn't even text him right now because we were up in the air. The girls that were on the plane with me congratulated me. This man just made my night even more. I couldn't stop smiling. I knew it was gonna be a long flight so I decided to fall asleep until we got there.

We arrived in Europe and it was 12 a.m over here. The girls had arranged a dinner reservation and celebration at a spot that was going to be open all night. There were four girls on my plane and the others on another. We were taken to our hotels and escorted to our rooms. I had a room to myself and it was beautiful. A nice bathroom, nice bedroom, and a nice view on the balcony. But I had to get ready for the dinner that was at 12:45 a.m. Sometimes  i feel like the girls are just a little bit extra because we could've rested tonight and had the dinner tomorrow night but it's whatever, I knew I was still going to enjoy my time and it's only my first time in Europe.
I put on a nice classy outfit.

Even thought it was past midnight the city seemed to still be active and It seemed like it was only 8 p

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Even thought it was past midnight the city seemed to still be active and It seemed like it was only 8 p.m. I did my hair and was ready to go. I was escorted down to where the rest of the girls were and we were so excited to see each other and talked about how our flights were. And with that we got going to the restaurante.

We got there and it was so many people. But the only thing was we didn't have to wait at all because we made a reservation for a table of 12. I sat next to Emiliana and we began the night with ordering drinks. I didn't want any alcohol so I ordered a virgin drink. But the other girls seemed to be getting off. We laughed and made jokes every now and then and took pictures, Snapchats, and boomerangs of our views and of each other. It was an outdoor restaurant and we were under a tan colored tent with  pretty lights set up above us and all around the tent. The tables were set up with white tablecloths and everything was glass and silverware. Our waiter came and seemed to be flirting with one or two of the girls it was funny. He looked at me and came around to ask for my order then proceeded to talk to me and ask if I was from here.

Mykes POV
Im currently in Europe and you would think that I would be enjoying my first night here but I wasn't. Everything was going downhill because one of my shows here might be cancelled. I'm sitting in a restaurant with my manager eating a dish of pasta and I look up because there was a table a few feet away from me being loud. But I didn't mind it. But I looked again when I could've swore it was Josie. My mood changed instantly. I knew she couldn't or wouldn't see me for the simple fact that we were many tables away and there was a lot of people. She has to be staying in the same hotel in staying at. And with that thought a text from her came in

Thanks for the 🍓's. I loved them !
                       You're always more than welcome. How           was your flight. 

we started having a conversation. The conversations I seemed to miss. and i didnt know why I did not text her earlier this week.

Josie's POV
We spent like two hours in the restaurant ordering back to back drinks, unlimited food, and having a great time, and within that time I was texting Michael. But I was ready to go back to my hotel room and just relax. We all chipped in to pay and got escorted back to the hotel and back to our rooms. "Thank you have a good night" I said to the dude who escorted me. And I gave him a great tip.

As I'm taking off my shoes I hear a knock on my door. I look and it was Emiliana and victoria who seemed to be a little drunk. "Girl who said the party was over" she said and I laughed "girls please I have to be up early tomorrow and I would appreciate it if you guys would let me sleep" I said nicely. "Party pooper" said Victoria as she walked out tipsy. "Yeah she's not gonna wanna get up in the morning" said Emiliana as she walked out. "Goodnight girl" I said goodnight, shut the door, and proceeded to change into my silk pajamas. I hear a knock on the door again. I open and it was Victoria again "sorry i forgot my cup in here" she said as she stepped in to get it. " I didn't even realize" I said. We said goodnight and I closed the door.

I brushed my teeth and was getting ready for bed and I dimmed the lights and turned on the TV. The bed and the cool white bedsheets felt so good touching my skin. Then I hear another knock. I'm already annoyed at this rate. I opened the door "yes victoria what is it"? I asked. And to my surprise it wasn't her. "I'm Victoria"? Asked Michael. I shook my head and invited him in. "You and these surprises" I said and we hugged each other. Oh how I missed his scent and his hugs. I was so surprised he was here. "How'd you know I was here"? I asked smiling and breaking away from the hug. "Well I'm staying here as well because, remember I told you about my tour. Honestly, I didn't know that you were coming to this part of Europe and I saw you at the restaurant tonight and I just felt so lucky to see you and I knew you had to be staying here" he said all smiley. " well I love the fact that you're here". I said. " it's just so funny we keep meeting in hotel rooms" we both laughed. He put his hands around my waist. "I missed you like crazy" he said. I looked up into his eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I missed you too" I said. he leaned in for a kiss that turned into more kisses.

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Thats the end of this chapter! I enjoyed writing this. Let me know if you guys liked and what you guys want to see happen next !

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